If we all gave up on the first try, we’d still be living by candlelight. “Trial and Error” plays a pivotal role in the growth and success of a person. We’ve allowed ourselves to try and fail over and over, and eventually some have succeeded, bringing us as a society to where we are today.
Tanner Chidester tried chasing his dream for two years without much success. After trying different methods, he contemplated giving up, but something inside him kept pushing him to try harder, bringing him to where he is today – an entrepreneur and renowned owner of two 7-figure businesses!
It all started at the young age of 12, when Tanner joined the gym, through his routine, he gained tremendous self-confidence, and found that he could apply it to other areas of his life, such as studies. While he excelled in sports, a series of injuries took their toll, this was when Tanner decided to hang up the cleats. In 2014, he was accepted into the Petroleum Engineering Program at Texas A&MS. Eventually though, he decided to leave school and pursue his own business, giving up the prospect of a guaranteed 6-figure job in order to be a fitness expert.
What followed were two years of immense struggle, not knowing where to begin or what to do. With the business bringing him only $2,000 for two years, he even took up jobs as a waiter and a sales representative. After a ton of trial and error and multiple attempts to promote himself through online marketing, Tanner saw a growth in his clientele as demand for his services rose, soon he was able to make thousands of dollars a week. Following this turn, he went all in with his fitness business and has never looked back.
Chidester built a 7-figure business in under 12 months by the name Fit Warrior. Witnessing tremendous growth in just 20 months, the business scaled up to almost 8-figures, and subsequently, the staff grew to 30 people. He also began to share his expertise with other fitness professionals, showing them how to use social media, to boost their own business too. This practice has since branched into a business of its own, now he plans to offer his services to gym owners, which Tanner says might just be the most lucrative yet.
At the young age of 27, Tanner has won four “2 Comma Club” Awards from ClickFunnels, in the past 20 months. This award signifies doing $1 million in a sales funnel. By the end of this year, he will be able to claim a 10x award for doing over $10 million in sales.
He says, “Choosing the career I did was just a natural decision. Over the years, it’s been a personal struggle for me to balance work and personal life because of the immense growth of business. But I’m doing my absolute best. It’s pretty unreal to be honest.”
Tanner took two years to figure out what would work, and he was disappointed when he found out what he needed to do was actually pretty simple. But he says he can’t put aside the experience gained, the skills and life lessons he learned during those two hard years – it ultimately shows in his work and has been pivotal in his success. Perseverance sure paid off well!