Which Is The “Lesser Of Two Evils” For You In These 20 Situations?

Everything that has happened in our lives up until now is the sole result of the choices we made.

Sometimes choosing between two things is easy, when you have to chose between two good things or something good and bad.

Unfortunately, life is almost never that easy, so we are often faced with making hard decisions and having to choose between two bad things.

But, not all bad choices are something that will make a life-changing impact on your life. Sometimes they are choices that can simply gross you out or make you really, really uncomfortable.

Here is a list of 20 such terrible situations you just might face one day, so why not consider them in advance.

1. Would you rather… 

A. Have hiccups for your entire life


B. Have a runny nose for your entire life?



2. Would you rather… 

A. Have a pube stuck in your throat


B. Have an eyelash stuck in your eye all the time?

3. Would you rather… 

A. Bathe in ice cold water every day for an entire month


B. Wear the same clothes for an entire month?


4.Would you rather… 

A. Use someone else’s toothbrush


B. Wear someone else’s dirty underwear?

5.Would you rather… 

A. Sleep on a cactus mattress


B. Exfoliate your skin with sandpaper?

6.Would you rather… 

A. Get each hair from your body plucked one by one


B. Get each nail pulled from your fingers?

7.Would you rather… 

A. Kiss someone with rotten teeth


B. Kiss someone with mouth full of chewing tobacco?

8.Would you rather… 

A. Get locked in in a small room with 100 sick people


B. Get locked in in a small room with 10 crying babies?

9.Would you rather… 

A. Get paper-cuts every day for a year


B. Get splinters every day for a year?

10.Would you rather… 

A. Drink spoiled milk


B. Find a pube in your food?

11.Would you rather… 

A. Hit your toe really hard


B. Bite your tongue really hard?

12.Would you rather… 

A. Walk barefoot on a hot road for 30 minutes


B. Hold your breath under water for 3 minutes?

13.Would you rather… 

A. Have ears shaped like a vagina


B. Have fingers shaped like penises?

14.Would you rather… 

A. Wear very tight turtleneck 


B. Wear too big shoes?

15.Would you rather… 

A. Put on wet socks


B. Put on wet underwear?

16.Would you rather… 

A. Get poison ivy rash on your feet


B. Get sun-burns on your genitalia?

17.Would you rather… 

A. Have bad breath all the time


B. Never be able to hold in gas?

18.Would you rather… 

A. Get caught while masturbating by your mother


B. Catch your mother masturbating?

19.Would you rather… 

A. Wear a t-shirt with huge sweat stain under the arms


B. Wear pants with a huge brown stain on the back?

20.Would you rather… 

A. Have a full head of hair full of lice


B. Be completely bald with psoriasis? 

Disgusting. So, what would you chose?

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