Thoughts That Comes Through Every Guy’s Mind During Sex. Poor Guys…

Being a guy is not always easy job even though women always say it’s easy to be a man. I can hear many girls whining about how their men are cruel, they don’t have any feelings, everything is easy for them, they are just coming doing their job and leave and all that stuff.

Has any of you girls have asked your man what goes through his mind during sex? – Don’t worry I already know the answer to this question.

Someone made a survey on this topic and we have found what we have been looking for. These are only few things that run through guy’s mind while having sex with his female partner.

Maybe this is funny to some of you, but probably you have some weirder things that run through your mind and you are embarrassed to say them.

Here we go:

Does sex suppose to feel like this? – Am I doing the right job? – Okay now started to hurt little bit. Feels like I’ve hit a bone? – A bone? – Vagina bone probably?

Please no, no…no…no… Not cramps again. Stay cool… stay cool… Oh man it hurts so much

Are my hands on her hair? – Slowly move your hand without ripping a chunk of her hair… that’s it… slowly…. OOPS TOO FAST

I need to calm myself in order to make this last a while, but not too long though. I need to find the right balance to make her want to do this again

What was that sound she just made? – Was that fake or maybe real? Is she faking because she wants me to keep going or she just wants to get me out of her?

She was making sounds before and all of a sudden she is calm. What have I done? – What message she is giving me? – Should I get up and leave or should I continue doing this?

Okay say something sexy to her… think… think you idiot think… say something about her ass… “Your ass is big”… WHAT? – Oh way to go dickhead now you won’t see her again

I’ve changed position at the right time and she moaned. I’M THE GOD OF SEX!

She mentioned something about her butt and I don’t know how to understand that. Okay I will rub her butt cheeks for approximately 30 minutes and see what happens

I’m going up she is going up with me. I’m going down she is going down with me. One of us needs to stop this. Oh man now we both stopped. AWKWARD!

Is it cool that I’m already hungry and I’m not even finished?

I’m like 2 minutes from finishing and I can see her getting bored. It’s time for fast forward

(30 seconds after you finish) And now I can sleep tight

Something sounds familiar?

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