These 25 Solutions To Problems Are So Stupid They’re Borderline Genious

Despite having nearly anything for everything these days, there are still people who manage to push the boundary of innovation and do something never seen before…

But that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good.

We’ve seen some pretty awful and useless inventions in our time, still keeping in mind that not all inventions reach the general public {And thank goodness for that}.

Yet, some of those crazy solutions do reach us, and we can’t help but wonder and be amazed at the creative idiocy some people come up with.

Here are just few of those silly “thinking outside of the box” creations.

1. Repurposing that old TV



2. When you desperately need a fork, a wire would do.

3. And it can also hold your coffee.

4. Eyes spinning around

5. Don’t worry, it’s clean.

6. The fastest way to lick a lollipop… And break a few teeth along the way.

7. That;s how you mow a lawn.

8. Ice-skates for the real ladies. 

9. So, that’s where the headboard went…

10. How to get six-pack abs in less than 10 minutes.

11. For lonely people who like holding hands while driving.

12. Adding a more Earthy look to the car.

13. And let’s not forget the front…

14. Always have someone waiting in your car… put a mask on the headrest.

15. When the engine is a little too big.

16. Pipe’s too short? No problem.

17. This creations is actually cool. Give this man a cigar. 

18. Homemade Mic-Holder

19. A two-in-one deal.

20. Uhmm… Yeah… Not trying it.

21. But, at least it’s a better idea than this.

22. Microwave secured.

23. Only for real men.

24. For driving your “favorite” relatives…

They do say laziness is the father of invention. Now we know why.

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