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When it comes to the world of media and videogames, I consider myself a very lucky chap indeed. I often find myself having lengthy discussions with friends talking about how we were always the ‘right’ age as youngsters for things ...

Maybe it’s Infinity Ward. Maybe it’s the exciting buzz of the ‘next generation’. Or maybe it’s the fact I’m actually good at this one… Yet to me, Call of Duty: Ghosts is as fresh and entertaining as the COD franchise ...

Wrestling games are kind of like crack to me at times. Even if I’m not in one of those “on” periods where I actually watch wrestling, I still play wrestling games almost as if it were a religion. There has ...

Battlefield 4’s release is coming up quickly, as it is slated to be released on October 29th in the United States. As always, it will be released in the Fall when there are a lot of other huge releases coming ...

When the Kinect was unveiled, hardcore gamers correctly deduced that it wasn’t going to have many games that appeal to the traditional Xbox fan and their Gears of War style of gameplay. This was never Microsoft’s intent. With the other ...

The Last of Us and The Walking Dead are the two games that you’ll talk about when you talk about modern zombie games. Both The Last of Us and Telltale’s The Walking Dead are pretty different games, but both games ...

There was no better feeling than waking up to an unexpected Grand Theft Auto V gameplay trailer showing, you know, honest-to-goodness gameplay footage from the game and showing how some of the mechanics work. If you haven’t checked it out ...

“Dying is easy, comedy is hard.”  This quote, often attributed to Edmund Gwenn, adequately sums up the state of video game comedy.  While there have been stabs at comedy in games by developers like Double Fine and Telltale, if one ...

I feel like when it comes to the Xbox One over the past few weeks, the horse has just about been beaten to death with pointing out flaws in Microsoft’s logic and reasoning, so I’m going to hop onto a ...

When Giant Bomb’s Patrick Klepek broke the big news today that Microsoft was changing their strategies on DRM, internet connectivity, and used games, the online world basically lost its mind.  The reactions were mixed, as all reactions are, but mostly ...

I think that it is safe to say that just about everyone in the world of gaming has been scratching their heads over Microsoft’s odd choice of DRM requirements on the Xbox One. The console itself is on par with ...

We as citizens of the world live in odd times, as we live in the day and age where Americans are being spied upon by their own government through the NSA and its PRISM program. As the world moves towards ...

The consumer is bound to be forgotten, while a key flaw in Microsoft’s world of woe, Microsoft is not the first company to dictate sweeping changes to a product that angered its core demographic.  I still believe that Microsoft will ...

Before Angry Birds came along, Doodle Jump was that game your friends were always playing on their phone. In its mobile incarnation it’s a vertical platformer where players guide a cute critter upwards through a series of platforms while avoiding ...

A few weeks have passed since the release of Metro Last Light. Having read many a glowing review for the game, I set out to try it myself and hoped to be bedazzled by this hidden gem. Unfortunately, all those ...

One of the big drawbacks for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 has seemed to be that neither console has any intentions of playing your last generation’s games right off of the disc like you’d wish. Sony has a plan ...