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2015 is nearly upon us, and I am looking forward to quite a few original Xbox One game titles. The price drop came at a good time because there are a number of new, exclusive titles being released for the ...

There are a few games that people tend to talk about when it comes to the upcoming Xbox One, most of which are the pretty cool looking exclusives that the console will feature, including Ryse: Son of Rome. It takes ...

I think that it is safe to say that just about everyone in the world of gaming has been scratching their heads over Microsoft’s odd choice of DRM requirements on the Xbox One. The console itself is on par with ...

If you’ve been reading the internet, talking to other gamers or just paying attention to anything gaming in general you’ll notice that there is sort of a war of words going on where diehard Xbox fans have been pushed into ...

One of the big drawbacks for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 has seemed to be that neither console has any intentions of playing your last generation’s games right off of the disc like you’d wish. Sony has a plan ...

The general consensus online seems to be panic and scrambling to find a way to condemn the Xbox One to a quick death because of the laser-sharp focus that Microsoft showed towards the Xbox One being a home entertainment console, ...

The significance of the Xbox revel event was more than simply naming, showing off, and explaining a new console.  It was the official reigniting of the revivalry between Sony and Microsoft that has grown in intensity over the last console ...

Microsoft unveiled the Xbox One yesterday to a lot of fanfare and a lot of skepticism from fans and non-fans alike about the future of the Xbox brand. A huge part of the cynicism surrounding the Xbox One reveal has ...

There are a lot of interesting things about Microsoft’s Xbox One, which was revealed today in a blockbuster event that was streamed across the world. Many are excited, many are upset, many are skeptical, but the important thing is that ...

E3 is sort of a tradition in gaming, seen as the granddaddy of the big gaming expos, which have branched out into what feels like one per month now. Back before there were a million PAX shows and Gamescoms there ...

May 21st is rapidly approaching where it is expected that we’ll see the launch of Microsoft’s next generation Xbox, which has been codenamed the Durango and called the Xbox 720 by just about everyone over the past few years. There ...

There was something strange that happened in the 1980’s with music, where it kind of felt like anything was possible and there were a lot of bands that were getting picked up by the still new medium that was television ...

I know that many of us out there cannot fathom the idea of Microsoft’s always on feature actually making it into their next console. As a matter of fact, I felt the exact same way for a very long time, ...

We will finally get some details about Microsoft’s next Xbox console, which has been codenamed Durango but called everything from simply “Xbox” to “Xbox 720” by many gamers who have simply been looking for a name for the damned thing. ...

If you were somehow gleefully unaware, this Saturday Microsoft’s Xbox Live saw a rather significant outage, as the service was down for most of the day. By the end of the day they were able to restore most of the ...

A new rumor came out today, courtesy of the Verge, which details some of the plans for the upcoming Xbox 720/Durango and how it will integrate with your home entertainment center. Well, when I say integrate, it feels more like ...