Orc Attack Preview – Now We’re Cookin’ With Gas
Those pesky humans just can’t leave the poor Orcs alone! The human-centric fantasy world is a thing of the past. For quite a while, games...
Those pesky humans just can’t leave the poor Orcs alone! The human-centric fantasy world is a thing of the past. For quite a while, games...
Console makers are scrambling to find new ways to let players interface with games. They’re making some good attempts; say what you want about the...
When Fallout 3 arrived, many of Bethesda’s fans called it “Oblivion with guns”. Even though one was set in a fantasy world while the other...
The Behemoth is far from the lumbering monstrosity that the name implies. The Behemoth is actually the indie developer of the cult hit Alien Hominid,...
Tower Defense is among the most heavily-refined genres in gaming. The concept ain’t broke, don’t need no fixin’ and players have fun with these games...
The release date for Guild Wars 2 was just announced, the server “Stress Test” was held earlier this week, and this eagerly anticipated sequel to...
Some games just cry out for 3-D. While there have been quite a few 2-D classics ported to the Nintendo 3DS, many of them just...
Before Angry Birds came along, Doodle Jump was that game your friends were always playing on their phone. In its mobile incarnation it’s a vertical...
“Revengenace” isn’t a word, but that didn’t stop Konami from using it as a subtitle for the latest installment in the Metal Gear franchise. Having...
When the original PlayStation arrived in the mid nineties, it brought GRAPHICS FROM THE THIRD DIMENSION! Game designers were mostly baffled by this mysterious new...