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It seems that Nintendo is slowly, but surely, turning things around in a big way. To show how big of a turnaround year, the gaming giant recently announced it grossed its first annual profit since 2011. It has been three ...

It is official. Video game giant Nintendo is partnering with Universal Studios to create new rides and attractions at Universal’s theme parks across the globe. On one hand, I was surprised because I did not see the deal coming this ...

Earlier this week, Nintendo released an official statement to fans regarding some of the many problems and complaints surrounding the Amiibo figure line. In short, the toys-to-life line of figures for Nintendo has been an outrageous success. However, like the ...

EB Games Australia recently confirmed announced that the gaming retail store will offer pre-orders for the next Nintendo video game console, which currently has the working title of the Nintendo NX. Nintendo brass and Satoru Iwata recently announced that Nintendo is ...

Nintendo has announced that The Legend of Zelda for the Wii U has been delayed. The announcement was made by franchise producer Eiji Aonuma. The announcement was a huge blow to The Legend of Zelda fans. Zelda fans have been ...

At a recent Tokyo press conference, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata announced some of the details of its next video gaming console. Currently, the console has the hardware code name of NX. More information about the console is supposed to be ...

Nintendo recently announced that the video game giant will partner with mobile gaming company DeNA to make mobile games with Nintendo characters for smart phones. This is a bold and huge step for Nintendo. The company failed to really set ...

The Nintendo Amiibo figurines are selling like hot cakes. In the United states alone, over 3.5 million units have sold to date. Looking back at my Nintendo Amiibo character wish list from last year, I realize the list is a bit ...

According to a report by Amiibo Inquirer, the online website for Toys ‘R Us, the largest toy store chain in the world, will soon sell custom Nintendo Amiibo figurines. These customs are made by an online user named Evilos. Images of ...

Speaking to the publication Nikkei in Japan, Nintendo president and CEO Satoru Iwata revealed that Nintendo is working on a mobile app for smart phones and tablets that would allow users to use their digital Nintendo avatars, Miis. At times, Nintendo as ...

When an outlet like The Wall Street Journal reports on a live-action The Legend of Zelda show, the online entertainment blogosphere is going to sit up and take notice. Why? The Wal Street Journal is a national institution–not a run-of-the-mill, entertainment blog putting ...

Some news recently leaked online (via NeoGAF) regarding the potential upcoming release of possible variant editions for the Nintendo Amiibo line. Basically, some images and product certificates were leaked online for silver and gold editions of Mario Amiibo figurines for the ...

Sometimes, when a developer takes an existing and beloved intellectual property and tries something new or different, there is potential to perturb and greatly upset longtime fans. Nintendo recently tried something a bit experimental for The Legend of Zelda franchise ...

Nintendo recently revealed its next two waves of Nintendo Amiibo figurines for the spring season. The great news is that in April, Nintendo plans to release the fourth wave of Amiibo figurines, based around the Super Smash Bros. character roster. ...

Last year, Nintendo needed a game changer more than anything. The video gaming giant found that game changer in the form of the Nintendo Amiibo figurines. Between Activision’s Skylanders and Disney Interactive’s Disney Infinity, the toys-to-life video game properties are ...

With the way things are shaping up, it looks like Nintendo will experience a perfect storm for a huge month in February. This week, Nintendo announced that the New Nintendo 3DS XL model will hit the shelves on February 13. ...