Snapchat is one of those addictive social networks. It’s really hard to delete the app from your smartphone when you have so much fun on it. There are people who can’t handle snapchat very well, but we have the people ...

Tattoos or piercings? Some people prefer one or the other and some simply don’t bother choosing and go with both options. While tattoos are can be done anywhere on the body, the same didn’t apply to piercing, Up until recently ...

Animals are funny by nature and when you attach captions to their photos, the result is hilarious. We found these interesting photos of animals and someone did a very good job of attaching the perfect captions. I don’t know about ...

Being in a relationship means loving and being faithful to your partner. Some people are blessed with having a love filled monogamous relationship or marriage, while others only think they do. The moment they find out that their partner doesn’t ...

If there is nothing softer than a baby’s behind, then there is nothing finer than a baby’s hair. Some babies are born without hair, while others come out with already a full head of thick hair. Eventually, they will all ...

Dogs are more than just our loving pets, they are our friends and companions. The right dog is even considered as a part of the family, that’s why we need to be very careful when we’re choosing the dog breed ...

Try not to eat them because that would be totally awkward. These cute little animals got wrapped up in a towel or something else and their faces are so adorable that you would like to have a small bite. We ...

Everyone gets a case of the laziness sometime or another, usually when we have to do things we don’t really want to do. That’s nothing to worry about. After all, we all deserve a break once in awhile. But there ...

Okay, shooting a selfie was never a major problem. Yes, they are people that hate how people chose to show how beautiful they are at a certain moment, but c’mon… it’s just a photograph. People do whatever they want to ...

How many times have you seen some random object and noticed a big smiling face looking at you? This usually happens with buildings and houses. The windows and the door are perfectly lined that they construct a smiling face. The ...

Kids are like special agents when it comes to finding something they want. They are those sneaky little spies who will find everything you want to hide from them. Markers are their biggest friend and your worst enemy. If you ...

Snow makes everyone happy. Watching it fall to the ground, making everything white, turns us into giddy little kids. That happy feeling quickly evaporates when we have to go to work, when we have to clear the snow and drive ...

Bad things happen to everyone, some are worst than others, and we can’t do anything to change. When dealing with a problem the most common reaction for most of us is usually negative. We get angry, annoyed, sad and frustrated, ...

How many times we said that kids are the most amazing creatures living in this world? It doesn’t matter because here we go again: KIDS ARE AWESOME. Even when you don’t expect from them to say or do something, they ...

Have you ever questioned those studies that say women live longer than men? There are plenty of these researches over the Internet and to be honest I always thought they are wrong. After I saw these pictures I think they ...

This is the funniest thing I’ve seen so far. This cop gave a performance like nobody else. He makes my day more positive! Every police officer should take notes from his attitude and positive mood. He gave a performance of ...