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Cat and dog lovers: hold your thoughts before you see these photos. We already saw that cats can be real jerks, but we can’t say dogs are better than them. Dogs can share the same “jerk” bone that makes them act ...

Not everybody was born to have fun. These people tried, but failed during the process and I think they won’t try the same thing ever again. Yes, it was that bad. The worst thing is when you want to be ...

Facebook is like a magnet for these things. My friends are totally right when they say that Facebook has become a place where Idiots feel like they are running things. How can you write something stupid on Facebook and act ...

There are some idiots out there behind the wheel that know how to ruin your day. I can’t tell if they are smart enough or amazingly stupid for doing this. I don’t know what they are thinking for parking where ...

Okay now seriously, what is wrong with these people? – They are mad at their stupidity and a fight with an object will help them feel better? Well, the object obviously did its part and fought back striking that last ...

The social network world is the worst place where you should ask stupid questions or leave idiotic comments or posts. Seriously people, stupidity is something you should hide in the darkest place of your mind and never approach it. Sharing ...

The ALS Bucket Challenge has gone into another dimension. People actually love pouring ice water over their head. Some of them love that too much that made them fail miserably. You already heard the story behind the ALS Ice Bucket ...

People just can’t stop to amaze me with their actions. There are some idiots living on our earth and it seems we can’t get rid of them. But we can make fun of them every day and that’s a big ...

Okay, this whole “selfie” thing gone too far. I admire people who will take a “selfie”, while they are underwater or while they are flying a plane…. but taking a selfie on a funeral or while the firefighters are fighting ...

While we are at these idiotic situations, we decided to show these people who can’t realize why everyone is laughing at them. I don’t know if it’s because their mind is set to OFF all the time or they are ...