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During a recent question and answer question at a Nintendo investor meeting, company president Satoru Iwata discussed the issue of region locking software for the Nintendo consoles. Currently, Nintendo is the only company that makes region-locked video game consoles, including the ...

I love the word ‘Revelations’. It seems to be used a lot these days as a way of stimulating audiences with a promise of an intriguing expose – although ironically it’s only ever been used in various types of below-average ...

As the talks about the underperforming Wii U and Nintendo’s two consecutive years in a row of bringing in losses permeates through the online gaming community there seems to be one topic that keeps popping up, either explicit or implied; ...

Here in America, we have a bit of an obsession with pageantry.  We don’t simply like to announce things or congratulate people, we like to do so with fireworks, laser lights, and a musical act.  We like have ceremonies, presentations, ...

While rumour of Nintendo discontinuing its production of the Nintendo DS has been denied, it’s a good time to look back on this beast of a handheld and how it affected gaming. It has sold a staggering 153.87 million units ...

Today’s Nintendo Direct event showcased some cool new stuff happening in the world of Nintendo, stuff that hardcore Nintendo fans will rejoice about while everyone else is left scratching their collective heads and wondering why. The truth is, Nintendo is ...

The Castlevania series is coming up on a thirty-year anniversary.  The franchise has had such an impact on gaming that many 2D action/exploration games are succinctly described as “It’s like Castlevania”.  Despite the knock-offs, the series has maintained a strong ...

Game designers try to find a balance between the Player’s head and hands.  Some games, like turn-based strategy, are focused entirely on making the Player think.  Others, like bullet hell shooters, test their reflexes.  Fractured Soul puts players in command ...

Ambient Studios is a team packed full of talent, with developers from Little Big Planet, Fable, Crysis 3, Battlefield 2, SimCity, along with many other games. They formed the studio so that they could make their games the way they ...

EA is always ready to pick a fight with Nintendo after the company opted to use its own online service, rather than Origin, and has finally had the nerve to say that the Wii U is not a next-generation console. ...

While it might seem like common sense that you can’t sell something that doesn’t physically exist, the option of selling used digital content obtained through services such as Steam or IndieCity is heavily debated in places like Germany. After a ...

Playing like a space-age Oregon Trail, Spatial Flux aims to deliver a text-based adventure with high-quality backgrounds and pixel-based sprites for a retro feel in a modern game. The game will be released on Mac, Linux, PC, and several mobile ...

For the past month, Nintendo has been relatively quiet. With the exception of their big Pokémon X & Y reveal, the company has churned out next to no titles or information about upcoming releases. Comparing Nintendo to the other two ...

Homesick is reminiscent of both Dear Esther and Fatal Frame—the beauty of the environment plays a crucial role in the player’s experience, while it can just as easily betray them. It is an adventure game that is inspired by Monkey ...

Analyst Michael Pachter has struck again, claiming that ‘Nintendo’s a few years late’ with everything that they do. From consoles to concepts, Nintendo’s products are frequently outclassed by things from the past decade—something that rarely applies to Sony and Microsoft ...

There’s no questioning that the majority of high-profile games are made up of sequels, spin-offs, and unoriginal stories—however, this is far from a new thing, and sometimes can bring out amazing games. Here are five spin-off games that took on ...