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Innovation: For some, it’s the complete redesign of a gaming console while others look at it as taking a gameplay mechanic and tweaking it to be a more advanced version of itself. According to Sony Computer Entertainment, though, apparently the ...

As I found myself picking off decaying zombies in a dim graveyard in Resident Evil 6, I couldn’t help but flash back to the early days of my gaming career when not everything was about boat loads of ammunition and ...

With Resident Evil 6 currently making a quazi-permanent home in my Playstation 3, I couldn’t help but find myself reminiscing about seven months ago, when my excitement for Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City drowned out all of the negative chatter ...

The nights are getting longer, and that can only mean one thing: Summer is ending, fall is coming, Halloween is near. Each Halloween season, I find myself diving into realms unknown with the help of any number of survival horror ...

There are few occasions where we spend the entirety of playing through ones’ story condemning them to damnation only to have our outlook of this individual turned upside down in the final act. The anti-hero is a literary character who, ...

While many equate the beginning of autumn as the inevitable return to schooling, there are a select few that find themselves overwhelmed for completely different reasons. Whereas textbooks and notebooks account for the bulk of money spent for the more ...

Growing up as a gamer, there have been plenty of titles that I have had the pleasure of playing that have been burnt into my brain. Whether they were titles that I enjoyed playing with my brother well into the ...

Last night, as I was plowing through the citizens of Liberty City, a thought suddenly reminded me about the impending release of Grand Theft Auto V. Details about Rockstar’s next foray into the world of violence, sex, and high speed ...

The other night I made a mistake. An awful mistake that, even today – almost two days later – I’m still paying for. Through my Gamefly account, I rented Ju-on: The Grudge. For those that don’t remember it even coming out (and ...

Coming off of the critically acclaimed Gears of War and the ever popular Unreal series, there were some that thought that developers Epic Games and its subsidiary, People Can Fly, was on the verge of finding the formula for the ...

I think it’s about time I’ve introduced myself to you. I am a long time gamer known on Xbox Live and the Playstation Network as The Gamer’s Ghost – a monicker derived from my love for gaming and all things ...

Directors like M. Night Shyamalan are known for their unexpected turns within their movies. The thrive on the audiences shock when the plot takes that final turn, finally revealing what was hidden there beneath secrets and hints that only the ...

You’ve had a bad day at work and come home to find that the dog has knocked over the trash can and the washing machine has been leaking all day. While the rage boils inside of you, you know well ...

Statistically, the late summer and early fall months of August and September hold the highest birth rates throughout the year. Between the joy of the holiday season and having little else to do during the cold winter months, couples turn ...

On my journey through the world wide web, I’ve learned that just about anything is for sale. Looking for a drivable replica of the Ecto I or a life sized Predator bust? No matter what it is you’re searching for, ...

Back in 1993, Stephen Spielberg and the crew at Industrial Light and Magic brought to life a prehistoric, man-made world conceived by Michael Crichton in the late 80’s. Not before long, Jurassic Park became a household name, grabbing the attention ...