7 Sure Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney 

5 min

Criminal Lawyers

Fighting a personal injury case on your own can be a significant risk. While you might feel confident enough to go to trial without legal representation, you could be missing valuable insight and assistance to help you win.

Accidental injury is one of the top three causes of death in the U.S. While many of these deaths are preventable, surviving an accidental injury can mean a long road to recovery and significant financial loss. A personal injury attorney is a valuable asset when pursuing a lawsuit to claim compensation for medical expenses or loss of income as a result of an injury that wasn’t your fault.

From brain injuries to other physical impairments, an injury caused by someone else should not leave you without the ability to provide for yourself. If you are involved in a personal injury case, here are seven sure reasons you should hire a personal injury attorney to improve your chances of a win in court.

1. They Know How To Negotiate

In many cases, the responsible party or their insurance company will offer a settlement to compensate you for your injuries. Often, the initial offer is not enough to cover medical expenses and recover lost income while dealing with your injury.

It can be challenging to know if you should accept a settlement offer—even if it seems like a substantial amount. A personal injury attorney can review the offer and the details of your case. With their experience, they can evaluate the proposal compared to your medical costs and lost income.

If it’s not a fair or adequate offer, you don’t have to worry about what to do next. Without an attorney on your case, you might feel pressured to accept an offer—rather than fight for what you deserve. The right attorney can give you the confidence to avoid settling for less than you deserve!

Your attorney will counter the offer with a more acceptable offer, then fight on your behalf until the other party agrees to pay you what you need to recover well and take care of your expenses.

Never settle for the first offer! Seek the counsel of personal injury lawyers who know if you’ve received a “lowball” offer for your injury.

2. They Can Expedite Your Claim

Personal injury cases can drag on for months—or even years. In some cases, the red tape of dealing with insurance companies, the other party, and witnesses can delay your payout.

When you hire a personal injury lawyer, you have someone on your side to expedite your claim. Whether it’s working directly with the insurance company to keep them on top of your case or dealing with lawyers or law enforcement to make sure they stay on task, your attorney keeps your claim top of mind until it’s over.

There’s no need for you to struggle through medical bills and recovery without being able to work while the insurance company takes it time processing your claim. Choose the right lawyer to keep your case active and moving forward to expedite the settlement in your favor.

3. They Are Objective

Suffering through a personal injury can be an overwhelming and emotional event. Dealing with emotions and frustrations can remove your objectivity when working with an insurance company, doctors, law enforcement, or other people involved in your injury claim.

However, emotions can often work against you when navigating a personal injury claim. Working with an injury attorney helps you remain objective.

Their goal is to help you win, and they are not emotionally involved in your situation. This allows your attorney to review details and circumstances about your accident with a level head and objectivity.

Your emotion can help support your claim and improve the chances of winning a better settlement. An attorney can apply your emotional position to your case while keeping a level-headed and calm approach during interactions with insurance adjusters and the offending party.

4. They Understand the Process

The personal injury claim process can be confusing and frustrating without a guide. An injury attorney knows the process of gathering facts and information, then working with insurance companies and the other party’s legal team.

There’s no need to become discouraged when trying to receive compensation for an injury. Whether it’s a workplace injury or the result of a car accident caused by another driver, your lawyer will take charge and make sure every detail is handled accurately and appropriately.

When you suffer an injury that isn’t your fault, follow this process:

  • Hire a lawyer
  • Document the details of the accident
  • Talk honestly with your lawyer about the accident that caused the injury
  • Provide information, contact information, and resources to help your lawyer fight a strong case on your behalf

Your job is to be honest about the details, reach out to a lawyer as soon as possible, and find the medical help you need to recover from your injuries. Your lawyer will manage the process of filing a claim and pursuing it until you receive the compensation you deserve for your recovery.

If some time has passed since your accident, you might still be able to receive compensation. An attorney will understand the law that pertains to the circumstances of your injury. They’ll also be able to advise you about the statute of limitations that might apply to a claim.

5. They Have Investigators

You are a one-person show when pursuing your own personal injury case. There’s a lot of legwork that goes into supporting a claim. You’ll need police reports, witness statements, copies of medical bills, and enough evidence to prove that someone else was at fault for your injuries.

Doing that kind of work while trying to recover from an injury can be ineffective toward a positive outcome for your case. However, when you hire an attorney, you also get the benefits of their full legal team.

Personal injury lawyers work with investigators to uncover every detail about your case. They will review and investigate police reports and talk with witnesses. They’ll also help your lawyer stay informed about the other people at fault in your case.

Investigators do the heavy lifting when gathering the information your lawyer needs to help you win a settlement. You can relax and recover while your attorney and their team fight your case!

6. They Help You Win

You “can” win a personal injury case on your own, but it’s not easy. To improve your chances of winning your case, hire a personal injury lawyer specializing in these types of court cases or settlements.

Not only will you improve the potential to win the case in your favor, but in many cases, you’ll also receive a better settlement amount. A lawyer with plenty of personal injury experience knows precisely how to fight your case and improve your chances of receiving what you need to cover a loss of income and pay off injury-related medical bills.

7. They Don’t Get Paid Unless You Do

You’ve probably seen lawyers promise that they don’t get paid unless they win your case. With a reputable personal injury attorney, this promise is not just a gimmick—it’s a guarantee that they will do their best to win your case so that everyone gets paid.

The best professional injury attorneys use legal marketing services to help find victims of accidental injuries. They work hard to win cases against employers, bad drivers, or other negligent parties that leave people injured and unable to work or facing a mountain of costly medical bills.

Their work goes to waste if they don’t win. Without a payout from winning your case, they don’t receive any payment for the time and resources they spend to fight your case.

When choosing a personal injury lawyer, look for attorneys who offer this guarantee. Don’t pre-pay for services when you’re already dealing with income loss and medical expenses. Choose a lawyer who commits to winning your case and doesn’t accept payment until you get paid.

A Personal Injury Attorney Helps Your Case

Sometimes simply hiring a reputable personal injury attorney gives your case more credibility. Insurance companies and the other party’s legal team will take your claim more seriously when you arm yourself with an experienced injury attorney.

There’s no need to suffer without the compensation you deserve to help you recover better. An accidental injury can leave you unable to work or cover your ongoing medical and living expenses. If you are not at fault for your injury, don’t wait to hire a lawyer to help you make your case and take it to court.

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