Who Would’ve Thought These Normal People Will Become Celebrities

Before they became really famous, all celebrities were just as normal as you are.

They lived the life of a regular person who dreams about succeeding in life. Maybe some of them never thought about this life they have today, but that’s not really important at this time.

For those who think these celebrities always had their glory, this is something that might give you hope.

These photos will show you something else. Just by seeing these photos It’s really hard to tell they had any intention of becoming what they are now.

In a great turnout of events they made it really big!

Here are the celebrities in the early stages of their life when they were as normal as you are.

Jerry Stiller and his son Ben Stiller – 1978


Brad Pitt with his basketball team – 1977

Steve Carrell – 1980

Stephen Colbert while in college – 1984

Bill Gates arrested – 1977

Vin Diesel in high school – 1985

Frank Sinatra arrested for seduction and adultery – 1938

Tony Hawk – 1980

Muhammad Ali training – 1961

Robert Downey Jr. with a family friend Mike Tyson – 1980

Morgan Freeman in one of his first TV appearances – 1970

Bill Cosby in his college years as a fullback – 1961

Jim Carrey – 1970

Bob Marley – 1965

Tommy Lee Jones in his days as a senior football player – 1965

Christian Bale with his Amstrad computer – 1984

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson – 1987

Arnold Schwarzenegger in NYC for the first time – 1968

Robin Williams in his high school days – 1969

Steve Buscemi as a NYC Fire Fighter – 1976

Sarah Silverman for her first casting – 1980

Bill Clinton – 1960

Joe Biden – 1964

Vladimir Putin as a KGB spy meets President Reagan

President Obama in College – 1980


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