Facts About Everyday Life That You Missed. This Will Catch You Off Guard

Doing well in your life probably makes you miss some of these facts that could be important or interesting for you.

There is something in this world that causes death more than the other thing you thought. You will never hear something like this on TV and probably you won’t consider searching through the Internet about these facts.

We decided to make things easier and do the searching for you. If I’m being honest I’ve never heard anything about these facts until I found them.

They definitely caught me off guard and I didn’t know how to react to them.

This is possibly the best reaction I could think of. Sharing these facts with you will ease up the feelings I got after I read this.

1. 600 People Die Every Year by falling off Bed


2. By Sneezing too Hard You can Break a Rib. By Holding it you can Pop a Blood Vessel Directly in Your Brain

3. Golf Clubs Killed 4 People by Breaking, Tossing and Stabbing the Golfer

4. Amazonian Candiru Fish Can be Deadly. It can Attach Itself Inside Your Urethra


5. Many Shampoos Contain Cancer Causing Carcinogens

6. You are More Likely to Die in a Bathtub than be killed by a terrorist

7. Icicles kill approximately 100 People Every Year in Russia

8. Approximately 2,000 people are Accepted in The ER with Zipper Caused Injuries

9. Your Office Desk Has More Bacteria than Your Bathroom

10. 6,000 People in the US Die Because They Text While Driving a Car

11. 15% of The air You Breathe in the Metro Station is Human Skin

12. Over a Decade, Your Mattress Can Double its Weight Because of All the Dust Mites and Their Poop

13. Elevators Cause 27 Deaths on Yearly Basis

14. Meanwhile, the Innocent Stairs Are Linked with 12,000 Deaths on Yearly Basis

15. Statistic Report Shows that Fast Food Employees Die More While Working Than Police Officers

16. Fruit Punches are Often Dyed Red with Carmine, a Compound Made of Ground-up beetles

17. Study shows that 16% of the Cell Phones Contain Fecal Matter

18. Some Types of Butterflies Suck Blood

19. Lightning Storm Travels Through Radio Antennae, Phone Lines, Electrical Systems and TV. You are not safe even in a building!

20. Candles Cause approximately 15,000 Fires Each Year

21. Toothpicks can be Deadly. They cause More than 9,000 Injuries Annually

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