28 People Were So Close They Almost Got it. They Were Few Inches Short

It’s a new day and that means new round of “So Close” situations that will make you laugh. Maybe these people were in pain, but we are here to laugh at their stupidity.

Okay, call it rude if you want, but you just can’t laugh at these situations. I mean, who shoots himself with a paintball gun right in the balls?

Good thing we have these people in the world. Who else will make us laugh in the mornings when we open up the computer to do some work?

These people are the best in that.

Let’s see what they cooked up for us this time. The first one will definitely catch you off guard.

Give me your money… oops

There goes her career as a model

Now look what you did

See what I meant by calling these people stupid?

Oh god

Self knock out

Not this time, no.

What he wanted to do? – It remains an unsolved mystery

Hey you need a towel?

Nice reply


At least they tried


He is forbidden to play bowling for life

Thank god

So close…

Nice point

Run Forest, Run

Oh… So close…

You are so cool dude


HAHAHAHHA don’t worry Jo$h she liked it

You had one job…

That will leave a mark

Karma (x2)


Here is the guy I was telling you about

We will say that he was shot dead in the head

You just can’t pick a favorite.

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