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Justin Bieber Has Always Been a Racist?

We definitely don’t know what’s got into the world today…

I mean, people like Donald Sterling and now Justin Bieber don’t deserve to be a part of the big stage.

We thought that racism died many decades ago, but it seems some people still have problems to deal with all the issues in their heads. Racism will get you nowhere.

We saw the story develops around Donald Sterling and we know how the people reacted to it. And what did he get with that phone call to his girlfriend? – He provoked revolt and disgust in all people who have heard this story. And yes, he sold his basketball team, the Los Angeles Clippers.

While we thought that this is the last story we will hear about racism, there is TMZ to reveal something new.

This time, it’s the teenagers’ favorite star Justin Bieber.

Justin Bieber

You thought you are going away with those assaults, charges and retirement plans don’t you Bieber?

The source has revealed a video taken 5 years ago. This video clearly shows Justin Bieber performing “One Less Lonely Girl”, but replacing “girl” with the N-word. In the video he even mentions the KKK while another voice shows up in the background.

Here is the video:

For those who don’t believe in this story, TMZ claims they got this video as watermarked (you saw the word “proof”).

This is not his first time to involve the N-word. We saw a video released few weeks ago where Justin Bieber is telling a joke. He apologized later on, but will you forgive him?

We’ve read many comments related to this video and I can tell the world is angry at these people.

What now Justin? Another desperate apology?

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