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Cheese Tower

It is not every day that a game comes along and delivers a classic blend of fun, humor and polish!  It was refreshing to come across Cheese Tower while market-crawling one night.  While not extremely innovative with its use of a very familiar user-interface layout,  you can’t help but to enjoy it all for what it is.  Your objective is to eliminate the grey ‘mouse’ blocks stacked in with a whole lot of cheese by tapping them, while trying to save the yellow cheese in the process.   If you know anything about physics you can imagine how challenging this becomes especially after you get over the game’s “kids” mode.

Stage progress is based on how many triangle-shaped blocks of cheese you earn by successfully completing stages with as many square blocks of yellow cheese left as possible. There are currently five different stages in the game with more being added making Cheese Tower that much more enjoyable. Like Angry Birds you will definitely have those moments where it seems like you were just about to win but then that one block falls off of the edge and you lose.  All I can advise you to do is just keep on playing and victory will come in one super lucky form or the other.

Cheese Tower features plenty of uniquely designed levels to keep you busy for awhile.  The short animation featured at the very beginning only pulls you in more giving you the brief sense that you are actually doing something important here.  I see most of the game as a win-win since even if you don’t manage to save any of the cheese then the mice waiting for you to drop some in the first place praise you.  If you deprive those little suckers by winning though, you get a pretty intense chuckle from a cat wearing a gold collar?  Whatever,  all of the fancy graphics draw your attention away from the repetitive music but even that really isn’t all that bad.

As a game that relies on physics and touch screen sensitivity you would think that getting frustrated and yelling WTF’s left and right would become a pretty normal occurrence but not here!  The mechanics are pretty spot on and most of the errors you might come across are probably just the result of poor coordination, sorry.  The file size is small making it a solid casual piece that could easily make it onto your list of long-term applications.  In comparison to games that do have a similar style I think that Cheese Tower easily comes off as braver with its super loose plot and great replay value beyond just mastering and beating the ‘Insanity’ stage.

Cheese Tower is very much free which is just another reason to go ahead and give it a shot.  The developers update the game frequently keeping the content fresh and easy to come back to even after you think you’re done beating everything.  So if you like cheesy logos and a creepy stoner cat who gets his kicks out of taunting a very hungry and well equipped horde of mice, then this game might not be for you.  Let’s tone it down,  If you like challenging puzzle games with simple controls and some pretty solid graphics then Cheese Tower is exactly what you are looking for.

Chris Le'John enjoys catching catfish with his teeth and writing stories beneath ghostly moss trees at night. He is the host of's weirdest podcast The Finger Fix. He is also fond of old cartoons.