Top 5 Erotic Video Game Moments

3 min

Video games as an entertainment platform has provided gamers with many great and memorable moments. Sometimes these moments tend to delve into violence, sometimes into erotica and sometimes into moral values. This time we’re going to focus on the best erotic video game moments in recent times. Many games try to tease us with sexy moments, but these games do it best.

5) Alpha Protocol


While not a terribly good game, Alpha Protocol still features some steamy moments. One of the hardest to acquire is a scene between the main protagonist and SIE, a mercenary. Like Bioware games, there are other erotic scenes in the game, but we’re going with this one in particular for now. This sexy scene occurs near the end of the game, provided you pick her to accompany you during the final mission. The graphics may not help the scene, but the overall package is fun.

4) Mass Effect 2


There was always likely to be a Bioware game featured in this list. I’ve chosen to go with Mass Effect 2 and pick Com. Shepard and Miranda’s sexy exploits in front of EVA. It does seem slightly weird that a computer A.I. was technically ‘watching ‘ you during this scene, but that’s besides the point (plus, some may like that). This sexy scene makes the list partly due to the effort that needs to go into getting the scene in the first place. Some say it’s easier in real life than in Bioware games, but I’ll leave that up to the individual to decide.

3) Grand Theft Auto: Hot Coffee


Perhaps not a really fair entrant on this list, as this ‘mission’ in hidden in the main game, but even in general, Grand Theft Auto games provide plenty of sexy moments. These tend to be rather simple though, from visiting strip parlors to hiring prostitutes. Nothing really more exciting than that. The Hot Coffee incident however found in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas added an extra level of eroticism to the game. To be honest, it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal by today’s standard, but it cause a big fracas when it was found for good reason.

2) God Of War 3

aphrodite back

The tantalizing and teasing Aphrodite welcomes Kratos during a particular scene in God Of War 3. This is a great erotic scene due to the fact that the God Of War series has always had great graphics to accompany the game. It also plays on the fact that many of us are somewhat familiar with Greek mythology, and therefore recognise Aphrodite as a sexy Greek symbol. The God Of War series has many other sensual moments, though the Aphrodite moment in GOW3 stands out the most.

1) The Witcher 2


Geralt can get up to many sexy shenanigans in The Witcher series. The best moments though come from The Witcher 2, and there are quite a few of them. All of them are pretty erotic too. For this example, we’ll stick with the early scene with Triss Merigold. The sexy scene is made all the better by the banter that goes on between the two during the mission that they are on. CD Projek Red really do know how to pull off these erotic scenes. I’m pretty sure The Wticher 3 will deliver in this department too.


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