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Serial Entrepreneur Denis Muric is a self-made entrepreneur based out of Dubai

Denis Muric is a serial entrepreneur, mentor, and investor. He has founded several companies and invested in many others. He is the ideal definition of a self-made man and has worked his way to the top through his hard work and dedication.

Apart from being a network marketing expert, he is a real estate investor as well as a crypto and blockchain, investor. Some of his companies include Marketpeak and Unique Investments.

What many people don’t know about Denis is that before he started his entrepreneurial journey, Denis served in the German armed forces for 8 years. When he was a teenager, he started working at McDonald’s to ensure he was independent.

Now, Denis is at a point in his life where he is able to share everything he has learned in life and he serves as a mentor to countless people, teaching them about real estate, crypto, fintech, entrepreneurship, and other things. He has mentored thousands of people in the last three years.

Here are 2 important tips that Denis shares about owning a business that he has learned through his journey:

1) If you have an idea and you want to start a business, talk to people about it before you do anything else. Ask them what they think of your idea, and what they think you should do with it or not do with it.

2) Keep learning as much as possible about everything because there’s always something new out there that can help improve your business model or make it more sustainable in some way or other — but only if you’re ready to change things up when needed!