Your Checklist For A Safe RV Road Trip

Although it feels like the new year has just begun, spring is just a few weeks away. For many people, that means getting outside to enjoy nature and explore. What better way to be one with nature and see the sites than to plan an RV road trip? It’s a fun time for travelers of all ages and is often a lot more affordable than traveling by plane. Of course, the first order of business should always be safety.

From motor vehicle accidents and mechanical issues to altered routes and unpredictable weather, there are so many things that could arise during your road trip. While RVs are large durable machines designed to withstand some of the worst conditions, preparation is still important for your safety. Below is a list of things to check before your departure.

Get Familiar With The RV

If you’ve never driven an RV before, don’t wait until the day of your trip to get behind the wheel. You want to ensure that you’re familiar with driving, especially since you’ll be on the road for hours at a time. Whether you’re purchasing or looking at RV rental, test it out at least a day before your trip. Take it on a mini drive to ensure you know how to manoeuvre and utilize all the vehicle’s features. If you’re renting an R,V this is even more important as you’ll get less time with it.

Backup Drivers

Driving for more than a few hours straight can cause physical strain and increase your chances of getting in an accident. A general rule of thumb is to recruit at least one other licensed driver to share the burden with you. Allow them to test drive in advance to ensure they too are comfortable behind the wheel. If you can’t find another driver to go on the road trip, ensure that you schedule regular breaks to avoid strain and fatigue.

Service Your RV

While having roadside assistance and car insurance can help if your RV breaks down during your trip, it’s best to avoid mechanical errors at all costs. Before leaving for your trip, have your RV serviced by a licensed mechanic. They should check the fluids, change air filters, rotate and inflate tires, and inspect the RVs engine and systems to ensure they’re working efficiently. If you’re renting an RV, ask the rental agency about the most recent work done on the vehicle to ensure you’re safe on the road.

Don’t Forget The Generator

The great thing about traveling in an RV is that you have all the comforts of home on the road. There’s warm running water, heating and cooling systems, and electricity to power your devices. None of that would be possible without an RV generator. Whether the generator is built-in or you own a separate one, you must ensure it’s in working order before your trip. Turn the generator on for a few hours so it can charge your battery and get your RV to a comfortable temperature. If you notice any issues like rust, damage, or leaks, have your generator serviced immediately.

Check Detectors

While you hope there’s no fire or gas leak during your road trip, you can never be too sure. That’s why you should check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors before your trip. Press the test button to ensure that they still work efficiently. If necessary, change the batteries or install a replacement if your detectors are damaged or old.

Pack First Aid Supplies

What do you do if you’re on a road trip and you or a passenger gets injured? While your initial reaction would be to get to the nearest healthcare facility, that’s not always possible. Having first aid supplies on hand allows you to handle minor injuries immediately. There are pre-packaged first aid kits that include things like bandages, ointment, alcohol, and peroxide. You can also add things like medications, sunscreen, bug guard, and pain meds.

Road trips are a popular activity for families, couples, friends, and solo travelers. It’s an opportunity to hit the road and experience the world up close and personal. While it’s easy to get caught up in planning your destination and activities for your next adventure, don’t overlook safety. Follow the checklist listed above to ensure that you and your loved ones can have a safe yet fantastic time outdoors.

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