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3 Innovative Home-Storage Ideas

Property prices are going up, and the amount of space the average person gets to live in keeps going down.  Unfortunately, this scale creates a massive problem for anyone who wants to own more than a minimalist wardrobe and a bed.  Storage has always been an issue, and because of it, closets and pantries have become a major hot trend for Vancouver homes for sale.  If you’re digging for more space and don’t have much to work with: here are the top three ways to create more space at home without shoving everything you own into vacuum bags.

Decorate With Your Clutter

If a significant problem for you is that you use many things every day, you can’t handle shoving them in drawers or boxes every night to pull them out again in the morning: wall storage is here for you.  Using hooks, you can mount almost anything to a wall.  Have a gorgeous bike you want to show off and still ride?  Six Command hooks and a little finagling, and you have a new piece of art for your wall that you can easily take down when you want to go for a ride.  Is your bathroom a mess of curling and flat irons that you don’t have anywhere to shove to hide them?  Build in a little almost-towel-rack where you can hang and clip these while you’re not using them.  Don’t be afraid to use your walls!  This plan works exceptionally well for apartment dwellers.

Be Honest With Clutter

Although not all of our clutter is trash, be honest with yourself when you use any of these things again.  If you know, you won’t use that thick winter coat also until next September, store it under your bed and out of the way.  Keep important things at the forefront of every drawer, cabinet, and closet.  If you have space, you could cycle through which clothing is at the front by season so that you don’t have to dig and create space out of a mess.  It’s okay to own things, but you have to make sure to access items when you need them.

Loft Storage

If you live in an apartment with high ceilings or have a garage with wasted vertical space, don’t be shy about creating a storage loft.  There are endless tutorials on how to make this kind of space safely, and it will give you an area you can put your belongings so that they’re safe and out of the way.  This project may be a considerable undertaking, and if you’re renting, it’s essential to consider if your landlord would even allow this structure.  The nice thing is that you can customize it to be whatever you want it to be, take the time you need to build it correctly so that you don’t risk damaging your belongings or your home.

You don’t have to give up everything you own to live a less cluttered life; you just have to be creative with where you put everything!