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Essay Writing Service: How It Started in Few Words

Essay writing service aims at helping students to deliver assignments that are perfectly done. They help students address any writing problem in academic life. Assignments are common in school. In fact, they are part of the learning process. This is why students will always have assignments to handle. Some assignments will come after end of lesson, topic, or even course. Some will be short others long. Either way, teachers will always have a reason when giving them.

Importance of assignments

  • To determine students’ understanding

Teachers give students assignments to determine if they have learned what was planned. Let us say, for example, a lesson was about writing a speech. A teacher can give students an assignment on writing a speech. The way students will perform in the assignment will tell the teacher if learning was successful or not. Scoring of high marks would mean that the students understood the learned material. On the other hand, poor marks would indicate that the students didn’t fully understand how to write a speech. In such a case, the teacher will adjust the lesson plan to improve learners’ understanding.

This is not only done after a lesson. It is also done after a topic or after course completion. Throughout school life, students have to handle various kinds of assignments. From descriptive, argumentative, compare and contrast, to persuasive essays among others. The performance in these essays help teachers to plan to teach. It is presumed it is core reason why essay writing service was started, but let us learn more.

  • To measure students’ progress

Assignments help in measuring learning progress. Students have certain goals that they ought to achieve. By doing assignments, they are able to determine their progress towards achieving these goals. For those on a good track, they continue working harder. For those on the wrong path, they look for better strategies. This includes seeking help from writing service to improve their performance.

  • To give students grades

School assignments are also recorded as grades for academic records. Now, these records play various roles in a student’s life. First, for high school students, grades determine their next move. Those with best grades are able to secure admission in top colleges. Those with good grades secure admission in other colleges. Those who fail face challenges furthering their education.

In college, good grades also determine if one gets admission to graduate programs. Second, grades determine if one gets scholarships or not. There are many students who need funds to pay fees.  Sponsors use grades to select beneficiaries. Therefore, with good grades, students increase the chances of getting scholarships and other funds. Also, good grades are an added advantage when competing for job opportunities.

Background of Essay Writing Service

With much emphasis on assignments and good performance, essay service providers saw an opportunity. Students need to do all their assignments and perform well in all. The problem is that writing is not easy. Great writing skills are needed to successfully write an assignment. 

For example, let us assume a student had been given an assignment on opioids.  The instructions may be as follows;

Write an essay on the harmful effects of opioids. The essay should be five pages long. Include five scholarly credible sources and cite using APA format.’

In this question, there is so much that a student is required to do. The student must know how to find credible sources, know how to do research, and know-how to use APA writing style. The student must also know how to organize and structure this essay. With this information, the students are more likely to deliver a high-quality essay.

The problem is that most students face difficulties writing essays. Some are challenged by finding credible sources, structuring an essay, or how to use a certain writing style. Without some help, such students would definitely deliver a low-quality essay.

Essay service came in to save such students. Every student can now achieve their academic goals. All a student needs is to know what writing problem they are facing. The problems can range from writing essay introduction, writing a thesis statement, structuring the essay, editing it, or citing. Whichever the problem, the writing service always has a solution.

A customer is matched with a professional and well-experienced writer who helps in solving that problem. This is done at an affordable price. You also get help in timely manner. Another advantage of essay service is that you can access it at any time. It is usually available both day and night.

Final thought

The benefits that come with good grades are too good to miss them. Students must, therefore, work hard to perform well in their assignments. This doesn’t mean stressing out too much. Essay writing service was established to reduce stress. Professionals help customers with any writing problem they are facing. They help student learn good writing skills. Students learn how to do research. Most importantly, writing service helps students have a deeper understanding of class material.