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Custom Home Builder in Adelaide

So you’re wanting to have your custom home built in Adelaide? Well then, you can look no further. Sometimes a contractor who can do it all for you is headache but it doesn’t have to be. Not only that, but many people actually would rather buy their own dream home to be built rather than just hire a realtor and find a home for sale, because then it would be everything they had hoped for. Unfortunately, some home builders don’t always deliver the right results, but in this guide we’ll tell you how to make sure it happens.

Do You Plan to Live There Permanently?

When it comes to this question, you need to think about just how big you anticipate your “dream family” to be by the end of the time that you’ll be living there. You also need to think about whether or not you’re going to live their long term, or just have the home for a while and sell it. If you’re hiring a home builder to build your dream house, then you probably want the best of the best and you’ll know how detailed you need everything to be.

Ranking Systems

When you’re trying to get that house built, you should consider certain factors also, and figure out which are your primary needs and desires.

  1. How much space are you actually going to need?
  2. Do you want any recreational areas?
  3. Do you want a home your kids can live in in the future?
  4. What about the location? Does this matter?
  5. Do you need your home builder to maintain a budget with materials?
  6. What kind of energy saving things would you like in your home?
  7. Are you wanting more design elements or convenience?
  8. Will this be an excellent ROI (return on investment) for you?
  9. What kind of exterior do you want?

Consider the Details

You need to be sure that your builder is licensed and accredited through numerous departments, as well as that they have insurance in case of any accidents that can happen. Even if they hire subcontractors, you want to make sure that all of them are covered as well. Having a good idea of a portfolio, references (even a few most recent past contracts – not just the normal references they provide), and even the materials and brands they use are another thing to consider.

Also, be sure that your home will have a resale value, and not just be made of cheap, shoddy materials that will cause it to downgrade quickly.


If you’re looking for the best custom home builders in Adelaide, Australia, then you’ll want to consider Kookaburra – Custom Builders, since they’ve got over 30 years of professional dream home building under their belts. Another great thing, is that if you’re in Adelaide, they serve the surrounding area as well and are local, which is something that’s always a plus according to hiring a contractor. You can call them for a free consultation and see a nice gallery of their styles of homes they offer.