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Hiring a Qualified Plumber East London for Your Home

It is easy to find a guy next door or friend who claims to know all about plumbing, but is risking your water supply system and drainage worth the risk? If something goes wrong, would they be accountable?

These, among others, are the reasons you need to be careful about whom you allow to tamper with your plumbing system. Get a plumber East London who is qualified and reliable.

How to Choose the Right Plumber East London

Here is a checklist you can use.

1) Check the license

Ensure that your plumber East London is properly licensed. It is proof that they are properly trained and professional in their business. In case they have been reported for any misconduct, their license would be revoked.

2) Ensure they are insured

In addition to being properly licensed, it is vital that your plumber has insurance as well as worker’s compensation. Accidents do happen. And if a wrong move from the plumber has water flooding and damaging your property, it would only be right that you get compensation.

3) How long have they been in business?

A plumbing company that has been in business for long is a surety that they deliver quality services. They are well experienced in handling a variety of plumbing problems. The company should be willing to produce some customer references as well; who you should contact.

4) Emergency services

Ensure that the company offers a 24-hour emergency response. It would be better if the company is located in your town or neighborhood and can quickly get to your home in case an emergency arises.

5) Gauge the customer service

If the customer service team is not pleasant, the plumbers might carry the same behavior. Their friendliness, attitude, and willingness to help as you make enquiries can tell a lot about the culture of the company. These plumbers are going to be working in your house; you need them to be friendly and respectful.

6) Customer Reviews

Besides the customer references the plumbing company provides, do some digging yourself. Search the company online for unbiased reviews from customers who have hired plumbing services from the company.

7) Cost of work

Take a repair problem that is common in your home, phone the company, and request a quotation. Compare the prices with several other plumbers to ensure that the company you intend to hire is not overpricing their services. Ask if there is a warrant for the labor and parts they install. A confident plumber should stand behind their work.

An Important Tip

Always shop around for a qualified plumber before you need one.  It gives you time to get one who meets these conditions. Without a plumber at hand, you are likely to settle for less when you face a plumbing emergency.

A plumbing repair, when not well handled, could turn into a nightmare. It could lead to property destruction and more costs.

Ask for recommendations from friends and family. Ensure the plumber East London is appropriately licensed, insured, and is available 24 hours. They should be experienced, have quality work, and proper company culture.