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10 Spots for a Romantic Vacation in Autumn

1. Thailand

Thailand is a real gem of Southeast Asia. Millions of tourists come here from around the world every year, attracted by the successful combination of good service, exotic nature, beautiful beaches, and affordable prices. Another advantage of Thailand is that you can relax here all year round. However, there are also “low” and “high” seasons. Low season begins in May-June and lasts at least until November. The reduced interest is due to the fact that in these months, rainy, hot weather is typical for Thailand.

2. Indonesia

Indonesia is famous for its picturesque nature, abundance of attractions, unique opportunities for surfing, and, of course, beautiful beaches. The most famous place in the Country of the thousands of islands is undoubtedly Bali. This is an island with developed tourist infrastructure and many beautiful and interesting places. It is suitable for those who plan on spending most of their time by visiting sights, tourist attractions, and, at the same time, swim in the sea.

3. Goa

The coast of the Indian state of Goa is a great place for a relaxing holiday. Its sandy beach that stretches from south to north attracts lovers of exotic nature, warm sea, and open-air parties. Do you want to have an affordable romantic holiday? The southern part of the state is a rather expensive place. North Goa is a lot more affordable.

4. Maldives

For many, a vacation in the Maldives is the golden standard of a beach holiday. Warm sea, white sand, bungalows, standing directly above the turquoise water surface, tranquility, and solitude – this is why tourists from all over the world rush to the Maldives. It is also great for all the fans of diving and snorkeling.

5. UAE

If you want to be one hundred percent sure that your holiday won’t be spoiled by rainy weather, dirty beaches, or poor hotel service, then UAE is a good option. Those who are interested in beach holidays should not stay at a hotel in Dubai, the capital of the Emirates. It is better, in this case, to pick the city of Sharjah, especially if you are traveling with children.

If you don’t have anyone to take on a joint trip to the UAE, then don’t waste your time and meet a woman right now. There are millions of beautiful Canadian women waiting for you online.

6. Turkey

Turkey is one of the most popular tourist destinations among Europeans. Tourists are attracted to Turkey due to low prices, calm and safe Mediterranean Sea, and excellent services. Four seas surround the country: Black Sea, Marmara Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and the Aegean Sea.

7. Spain

A variety of beaches in Spain makes it easy to choose a place that will suit every taste and preference. After all, you can go to the Mediterranean coast where the famous resort areas of the Costa del Sol, Costa Brava, and Costa Dorada are located or choose a vacation on the picturesque islands of the Mediterranean: Majorca, Menorca, Ibiza, or Formentera. And, of course, you cannot ignore the Canary Islands.

8. Cyprus

Mediterranean resorts are attractive because they are mostly cheap and easily accessible to Europeans. But, unfortunately, the beach season doesn’t last the whole year. Among them, Cyprus is the best place to rest in the autumn months. Here, it is warm and relatively dry up to the middle and even the end of November. When in Spain, Turkey, and other countries, it is already quite cold, in Cyprus, you can still sunbathe and swim in the sea.

9. Egypt

In autumn, when the weather in the Mediterranean resorts gradually begins to deteriorate, tours in Egypt become especially relevant. At this time, the heat begins to subside, and, at the same time, the sea is still quite warm. The most popular beach resorts of Egypt are Dahab, Safaga, Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh, Taba, Marsa Alam, El Gouna, and others. For many tourists, the main attraction and magnet which attracts them to Egypt are not the famous pyramids or the magnificent temples and necropolis of Luxor but, of course, the Red Sea. It is famous for its unique underwater world.

10. Jordan

The coast of the Dead Sea attracts not only fans of beach holidays but also those who wish to improve their health with the help of gifts of nature. By the beginning of autumn, the climatic conditions in Jordan are incredibly favorable for long bathing and trips along the coast – temperature indicators rarely fall below + 25 ° C, and there is almost no rain. Numerous health centers and spa complexes located right along the coastlines of the Dead and Red seas also continue to operate normally during the Autumn season.