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Insider Tips for Launching Your Career as a Disney Travel Specialist


There’s no place more magical than Disney. And between Disney cruises, theme parks, resorts, and more, there are countless ways to experience this Disney magic and awe as you travel.

If you can’t stop dreaming about Disney vacations, it might be time to consider a career path that allows you to incorporate your love of Disney into your everyday life.

As a Disney travel professional, you can immerse yourself in all things Disney and use your experience and knowledge to help people book unforgettable vacations. Disney travel agents are trained to create customized itineraries, help find the best deals, and work with clients to put together their dream Disney vacation.

Does becoming a Disney travel professional sound like the right career path for you? Here are a few insider tips to help you get started and launch your career as a Disney travel specialist.

Find the Right Online Host Agency

The best place for Disney travel specialist hopefuls to start is with an online travel host agency.

Online travel agencies such as MainStreet will provide all the training and tools necessary to launch your career and become a thriving travel agent. You’ll start with a welcome packet and move on to online training covering every destination Disney offers.

The online training is thorough but quick and self-paced, so you can complete the courses on your own time. By the end of your training, you’ll be a certified agent and feel prepared to start booking Disney vacations!

The best online agencies will also offer a variety of other benefits to help you become the best travel specialist you can be, including continued support and monthly giveaways.

Work on Your Communication and Customer Service Skills

While no previous customer service or communication skills are required to become a travel specialist, it always helps to continue to build these skills and ensure you’re able to effectively work with clients and communicate with vendors.

These skills are guaranteed to continue to grow throughout your training and as you gain experience. But be sure to continue to brush up on your communication competency to make the entire booking experience easier and more streamlined for you and your clients.

Use a Social Media Presence to Market Your Business

Clients are a key part of being a successful Disney travel professional, so it’s crucial to market your skills and continue outreach to build your client base. One of the best ways to do this is by maintaining a strong social media presence.

Create profiles on different social media sites to highlight your experience and knowledge, gain more followers, and advertise your business. And once you have a few satisfied clients and bookings under your belt, be sure to showcase their testimonies to other potential clients.

Take Advantage of Special Discounts

Once you’re a certified travel agent, you’ll gain access to a huge range of different discounts and special rates. Get started by using these rates to book itineraries for families, friends, and other potential clients in your inner circle.

When a few people close to you have seen your skills and enjoyed discounted rates, word of mouth can help you reach more people and offer your Disney travel specialist discounts.

Experience the Magic of Disney as a Disney Travel Professional

If you have a passion for Disney and travel, you’ll love being able to put a smile on people’s faces as they embark on their perfect Disney vacation.

With these insider tips, you’re ready to launch your career as a Disney travel specialist and create incredible memories for all your clients!