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Most Popular Bus Entertainment Systems in 2019

Buses are now taking a new direction in how they entertain their passengers. Technology has been on the frontline in making this revolution in this sector. Fleet managers are now looking for the best bus entertainment systems that will help them to compete with others in this field or even make them better.

Luckily, there are many options to choose from depending on the needs of a company. You will need to research thoroughly to find those that suit your business in the best way. Check the following:

Ninova Bus Entertainment System

When looking for a bus entertainment system, going for something with what people already love and are familiar with is the best idea. That is why Ninova is one of the best with users of Android OS and because of its popular features like games and internet access.

It is easy to install the system in your fleet buses because it comes as a complete solution. If you call the Ninova experts today, they will take you through their entertainment system to clarify any issues.

Gold Seat Bus Entertainment System

If you are looking for a premium system that will take your passenger’s entertainment to another level, this is the best option. It has numerous options for clients whether it is offline or online. Whether they want to watch movies, play games, or browse the web, they will get it all with high definition, vibrant colors, and quality sound.

They also provide fleet companies with different screen sizes that run on the Android system. So, as you check Eyeride online for other solutions like passenger counting software and GPS, remember to look for this entertainment system.

Lilee Systems

Under the brand Lilee, fleet companies will be in a position to get numerous solutions including onboard entertainment systems for their buses. Their aim is to engage travelers with things they missed at work or wherever they were previously. Thus, they have live TV, movies, music, and much more to offer to passengers.

Just like any other reputable provider for the bus entertainment systems, they also have their own hardware that includes high definition screens and wires for connectivity. Thus, the fleet will not have to add any other devices once this is deployed.

Azimut Bus Entertainment Systems

Although Azimut offers more personalized entertainment systems, they also offer one specialized for buses. If you are installing their system, you will have to have hardware that runs on popular OS like Android. After this, Azimut will come in and do the rest.

They have an array of features for your passengers like access to the internet, games, music, movies, and popular TV shows. They deliver their entertainment in the best quality and allow easy operation by the passengers.


If you run a fleet company that needs a bus entertainment system, you now have a list of four that you can choose from. They are some of the best today. However, there are many others that you can consider if you conduct further research.