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Why Printed Flyers Make a Wonderful Advertising Tool

While using flyers to advertise your business or event may seem antiquated in today’s online-focused world, it’s really not. When we use certain ideas or processes for centuries, it’s because they have been proven to be effective! And there’s a reason that printed flyers are such an effective way to promote your business or event. Actually, there are many reasons! Here are just a few.

Flyers Are Easy

On one simple piece of paper, a flyer can contain all the information anybody needs in order to learn about a business or attend an event. Plus, having just that one page of information helps to ensure that no detail is overlooked.

And, if you decide you want to go digital, you can either have an already-printed postcard, a scanned flyer, or keep them in digital format without printing and send them as emails.

They Add a Personal Touch

Using flyers add a personal touch to your message. First of all, many people design their own flyers which add a personal touch that way. Secondly, physically handing a potential customer your flyer immediately creates a personal relationship with them. And if you are able to convince someone to put it into their bag or pocket, it increases the chances that they will look at it again later.

Flyers Are a Tangible Item

Speaking of touch, printed flyers are a tangible object. And people like having something they can hold. Especially since we all are bombarded with online advertising every single day!

Plus, when something is put in a person’s hand, it’s practically an instinct to look at that item to see what it is. At that point, you are already half-way to your goal of having them read about your business or event!

An Easy Way to Add an Incentive

When you use a flyer to advertise, you often have the space to add a discount code, a coupon or other incentives. Not only is this a great way to create additional buzz, but it could also be used as a way to measure your advertising campaign results.

They Are Affordable

Flyers are a very affordable and cost-effective marketing tool. Much more so than many other forms of advertising. Plus, because they are so inexpensive, they often have an incredibly high return on investment.

Even the flyer printing is inexpensive, especially compared to other types of printed advertisements. Plus, if you opt to make your own, you can save even more money. However, even professionally designed flyers cost a lot less than you’d think, and the flyer printing process also costs very little.

Flyers Catch People’s Eye

Believe it or not, flyers are still important in the world of advertising. Why? Because, people actually read them and think about it. The majority of advertisements today are found online on websites. But, when you have a page that is already full of information and images in addition to multiple advertisements, it’s very likely that an ad will be overlooked.

Well-designed flyers are also eye-catching in themselves. When pleasing and attention-grabbing fonts are paired with witty words on pretty paper, people notice. And isn’t having people notice your product, business or event, the ultimate goal of advertising?

They Make Targeting Specific Audiences a Cinch

Flyers are a wonderful way to reach your targeted audience. Because of the way they are distributed – often by hand or by snail mail – flyers can be an ideal way to advertise your event or business not only to a specific audience but also to a certain geographic location.

Flyers Are Incredibly Versatile

Flyers are a very versatile advertising tool. Literally. When folded, flyers can easily be mailed. Or you can leave them flat to be used as leaflets inside newspapers and those saving and coupon inserts you find in your mailbox. They can also be used as posters simply by hanging them on community bulletin boards, business windows or even on poles and posts.

Plus, if you design them smaller and then print them on cardstock, a flyer becomes a postcard.  There is something both tangible and interactive about a physical postcard that will likely never be replaced by what you can send or receive on a screen. To set your postcard up for success, you need to keep your postcard’s purpose at the forefront, carefully consider your layout, original content, and overall design. And, if you decide you want to go digital, you can either have an already-printed postcard or flyer scanned or keep them in digital format without printing and send them as an email.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to opening a new business, holding a special event such as a sale or concert the one thing you want to be sure to do is to make people aware of it. While there are many ways to do this, flyers can be one of the most versatile, effective and affordable ways.