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A short weekend getaway – Edinburgh and Cardiff


Sandy and I were very good friends from our college days. Both of us graduated from King’s College London and then got busy with our own life. It was a long time that we met over a weekend break or a mug of beer to chill over. Actually, Sandy is settled in Bristol, and I stay in London. However, it is only 2 hours and 24 minutes driving from London to Bristol but we were unable to meet up. At last one day, she called me and insisted me to visit her. I was also wondering a lot for a short weekend getaway, and this was a nice option for me. I love driving, especially long drive.

I called Sandy and make a two-three days plan with her. We planned to have a chill out at Edinburgh and Cardiff from Bristol. She agreed at one as the driving distance from Bristol to Cardiff is only 71 Km by a car that can be covered in just about an hour. The driving distance from Bristol to Edinburgh is about 614 Km that takes around 7 hours by car. It was a perfect plan for a long drive, and we booked the hotel “Budget Backpackers” for our stay. We were pretty excited about this trip as we know Edinburgh is absolutely thrilling for backpackers like us. Here we can find a touch of modern Scotland. There are plenty of things to see, explore and enjoy.

On reaching Cardiff we went to watch a rugby match played between our favorite teams at the Millennium Stadium. It was a wonder watching a live match sitting at Millennium Stadium which is an international tourist spot and counted among the top 10 in the UK. After watching the match we were pretty hungry. Both of us are aware Cardiff is famous for mouthwatering international cousins. We could not resist our hunger anymore and have an amazing lunch at “FFRESH.” The restaurant environment was just electrifying as it was a Sunday and they accompany the lunch with live jazz ensembles. The restaurant was located by the heart of the “Millennium Centre”, another world famous tourist spot. After lunch, we walked down there and strolled around. We watched one amazing comedy show and the experience was splendid. Rest of the time we spend strolling around the Cardiff Bay area before we decided to move back to Bristol. We spend the whole day in an elegant way, but, we were excited for the next day about our visit to Edinburgh.

The distance from Bristol to Edinburgh is about 614 Km. It was around seven hours journeys. We started early morning and drove along the road enjoying the pleasant morning weather, used mileage calculator to stay on route. We stopped our car at few places as it was a long drive, but, we managed our route quickly and reached Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland on time. Our hotel “Budget Backpackers” was already booked, and we received a warm welcome upon arrival.

After taking a refreshing bath and eating some tasty food, we left out to explore this beautiful City of Edinburgh. Our first landmark was to explore Edinburgh Castle. The Stone of Destiny placed inside the Castle was something worth to see along with other spectacular attractions. The most interesting part is even after 1,000 years of continuous usage, and the castle looks like in new condition. Our next sport was visiting CAMERA OBSCURA. This wonder architecture is also called castle hill that is 150 years old. This is the world biggest optical illusion site. Unless you visit this site, it was never possible to understand this amazing architecture. We spend several hours exploring as it was spot on the fun.

We were pretty tired by then and returned. We decided to taste and enjoy the world famous Scottish Whisky as that is something we could never miss. We sipped and chatted together while sitting in open for long until our eyes got tired and we all fell asleep. The next day we planned to cover a few more attractions until we drive back. We visited the St. Giles’ Cathedral and enjoyed the spectacular beauty of this architecture. We also visited HOLYROOD Palace and Dynamic Earth Science Museum. Half the day almost passed and we want to reach back home. We jumped back into the car and drove back from Edinburgh to Bristol. We are all singing and enjoying each and every pleasant moment that we had during this short weekend getaway.