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Would You Believe This Beer-Bellied Bearded Man Is A Successful MMA Fighter?

Meet Roy “Big Country” Nelson. He might look like your ordinary out-of-shape man, but actually he is a very successful MMA fighter.

Shocking, right? Martial art fighters are supposed to be buffed, with rock hard pecks and six-pack abs, not to look like they just drank a six pack.

Roy Nelson is proof that looks can be deceiving. He is a seasoned MMA Heavyweight fighter, with many wins under his belt. In fact, from September 5 this year, he is ranked number 12 in the official UFC Heavyweight rankings.

Still don’t believe it? Than, take a look at some of the highlights of his matches and see how he takes down opponents much bigger and fitter than him.

He almost reminds you of Po from “Kung Fu Panda”, doesn’t he?