Awkward People Posting Awkward Things Online. Social Networks are a Magnet for Idiotism

If you are bored with what you do at the moment visiting a social network always pays off. Don’t do it while you are at work because you will lose several hours on it.

The thing is these social networks are like a magnet for idiotism. You will find very awkward people posting very awkward things that will make you feel little bit uncomfortable for following them.

You can see a happy mother posting her newborn right after he or she came out of the stomach with blood and everything, a father or another member of the family cherishing the daughter for looking so great on the picture where you can see nothing except her boobs and stuff like that.

I’m not saying everyone is like that, but most of them want to show this kind of “appreciation” or show how smart they are using the social network.

This is not the smartest thing to do because someone is watching you from the side and your post could make him do the highly appreciative move these days: the facepalm!

Here we go:

1. Don’t listen!


2. Totally stupid

3. Huh?

4. …

5. Busy for you!

6. Oh uncle…

7. What?

8. At least he is not lying to her

9. Yeah stay in school… dumbass

10. Probably someone will fell for it

11. Some people were doing the ACL Ice Bucket Challenge just to attract attention

12. Oh dad…

13. How?… what?…huh?

14. Don’t judge a man for trying… but this?

15. “double facepalm”

16. Busted!

I’m telling you, this is one hell of a weird world.

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