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Last week in a quarterly report, Blizzard Entertainment announced that their giant MMO, World of Warcraft, had lost 1.3 million subscribers. This news, as is almost expected, has created a lot of talk especially among the community. Like always, whenever ...

With Mists of Pandaria, one of Blizzard’s main goals is to give players more content they can do by themselves or within small groups. This is shown with many of the new features, such as the Brawlers Guild and Scenarios, ...

It has been almost an ongoing joke within the WoW community. Daily quests have been implemented in every patch thus far and some players, either jokingly or complainingly say that World of Warcraft has become nothing but dailies. Though this ...

It has been a while since I have added a new addition to my “supposed to be” weekly blog about World of Warcraft. It was not because I have not been playing WoW, but rather nothing new came up that ...

Today, World of Warcraft’s Facebook page released a teaser-photo saying that patch 5.2 will be coming to the PTR in early January. With this patch, among other things, will be Tier 15, the second raiding tier of Mists of Pandaria. ...

Over the years, Blizzard has added many features to improve World of Warcraft. Some of these features are uniquely ideas from Blizzard, while others are things from other games that Blizzard has tweaked to make them work in WoW. Regardless ...

As with most games, especially giant MMO’s like World of Warcraft, it is hard to please everybody. In WoW, an example of this is the division between “casual” and “hardcore” players. It seems whenever a new patch comes out there ...

With the release of Mists of Pandaria came a huge change to how PvP gear works in WoW. Blizzard implemented a new stat, PvP Power, which increases damage done to players, as well as healing done to players in PvP ...

Since the release of Mist’s of Pandaria, I have been using these weekly posts to discuss things that related mostly to PvE. This is because, as a raider, it is the content I experienced first, thus I had opinions about ...

On September 25th, Blizzard released the fourth expansion for their hit MMORPG, World of Warcraft. This expansion, titled Mists of Pandaria, takes players on an epic journey to venture into the mysterious continent of Pandaria. Quite honestly, I was quite ...

Daily quests have become a big part of World of Warcraft over the years. However, in Mists of Pandaria, it seems that they have become an even more important part, since players need to get reputation with certain factions in ...

It’s finally here! The Mists of Pandaria! Like many other World of Warcraft players when the expansion dropped, I eagerly dove straight in, leveling my character as fast as possible. During most other expansions, I have tried to do whatever ...

This week, the Theramore’s fall scenario went live on servers. This gave players a glimpse into how scenarios will work in the upcoming Mists of Pandaria expansion. This scenario has not received the best response from players from the community. ...

With the release of a new World of Warcraft expansion on the close horizon, some players are asking the question, will there ever be a sequel to World of Warcraft? Not just an expansion, but a whole new game, essentially ...

The recent World of Warcraft Patch, 5.0.4, has changed the game drastically. Some players are happy to see this change, and welcome it with open arms, while others are upset with the direction that the game is taking. Few changes ...

With the release of patch 5.0.4 this week, players were finally able to experience on live servers many of the new features coming in Mists of Pandaria. One such feature is the new looting system that Blizzard is implementing for ...