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I’ll admit it, I’ve only been covering gaming for the better part of a year now for multiple outlets, and as much as I enjoy it, there are some things that pop up every so often that really start to ...

The Nintendo Wii U is still pretty new to the market, and there are a lot of people talking up some of the features while some are getting thrashed. Sure, we could sit around and make jokes about processing power, ...

The Wii U is in the news so much recently that it is probably time to give a nice, hard and long look at the new features that the Wii U touts that will probably end up giving the competition ...

So the Wii U has officially been unveiled, the paint is still drying and we have a release date and how much that sucker will cost. The question that I’ve been asking myself since the announcement of the upcoming Nintendo ...

“Take Off And Nuke The Site From Orbit”, that’s the only way to be sure that you’ve dealt with your Xenomorph infestation, and that’s the idea behind the recently-revealed “Escape Mode” for Sega’s upcoming Aliens: Colonial Marines.  In it, one ...

David Cage, who already has a reputation for bashing his own groundbreaking game, Heavy Rain, went on the record saying that he does not plan on making his next game fun. Beyond: Two Souls was first shown at E3 2012 ...

With the Wii U launching this holiday season, and only a few months leading up to it for news to be revealed, there are some huge flaws already visible in Nintendo’s marketing strategy. We still don’t know the price, there ...

We’ve had sequels, sequels of sequels, cash-ins, endorsements, bastardisation, remakes of originals, hd remakes of the sequels, brand coalition, straight up re-releases and now finally the mother of all cash cow’s – HD Collections. I love the original Tomb Raider. ...