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Recently, Turtle Rock Studios co-founder, Phil Robb, posted on the official Evolve community forums in response to criticism regarding the downloadable content options for the Evolve game. Robb addressed the Evolve community to quell concerns that Turtle Rock Studios is planning to ...

The wait is nearly over for Evolve, the impressive looking and hotly anticipated new game from Turtle Rock Studios. The online cooperative and competitive multiplayer shooter is due out in a few weeks. To raise anticipation, 2K Games and Turtle ...

Some months ago, Turtle Rock Studios revealed that its upcoming shooter video game, Evolve, would have a third monster. Two of the game’s monsters, Kraken and Goliath, were previously disclosed. Evolve has finally divulged some new footage of the game’s ...

The latest trailer for Evolve, the upcoming first-person, co-op shooter, focuses heavily on the story scenario for the game. It appears that the game will have a story component. It is great that the game will have a story to ...

In an interview with IGN, Phil Robb, Creative Director at Turtle Rock Studios, revealed that all the downloadable content maps for Evolve will be available free of charge after the game’s launch. A developer is actually offering additional content, free of ...