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Take the rough concept of Audiosurf, add some Doritos Crash Course-style obstacles and a funky animation style and what do you get? A game that should probably come free with a pair of Dr. Dre Beats – Rush Bros! Rush ...

I’ll admit it, back when I was younger I was a diehard PC gamer. It just made sense, seeing as though there was a PC in just about every home and most of what you had to do was pop ...

Near the beginning of BioShock Infinite, the protagonist and all-around bad ass, Booker DeWitt, is forced to undergo a bit of a forced baptism to continue his mission into the depths of Columbia. The player is at that moment tasked ...

Valve has been rather silent on the Half-Life front since the release of Half-Life 2: Episode Two in October of 2007. Half-Life is one of the games that has helped to redefine gaming and show that you can do a ...

Exclusive titles have been a big deal for videogame consoles since the major game console developers began competing with each other. The competition between platforms has led to developers signing on for console-exclusive titles and for these titles being make-or-break ...

Ambient Studios is a team packed full of talent, with developers from Little Big Planet, Fable, Crysis 3, Battlefield 2, SimCity, along with many other games. They formed the studio so that they could make their games the way they ...

This topic is a bit of an odd one, because really, PCs are losing a lot of the marketshare that they used to have a stranglehold on for years. When you think about it, what else would you use to ...

While it might seem like common sense that you can’t sell something that doesn’t physically exist, the option of selling used digital content obtained through services such as Steam or IndieCity is heavily debated in places like Germany. After a ...

Playing like a space-age Oregon Trail, Spatial Flux aims to deliver a text-based adventure with high-quality backgrounds and pixel-based sprites for a retro feel in a modern game. The game will be released on Mac, Linux, PC, and several mobile ...

Unfortunately, it’s that time of the month when we talk about violence and video games again. In 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled that there was no proof violent video games increased violence in minors, and yet here we are ...

There aren’t many games that are slated for 2013 that really have me all that excited, sadly. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be some really good games and that there won’t be some games that I love, because there ...

Homesick is reminiscent of both Dear Esther and Fatal Frame—the beauty of the environment plays a crucial role in the player’s experience, while it can just as easily betray them. It is an adventure game that is inspired by Monkey ...

There’s no questioning that the majority of high-profile games are made up of sequels, spin-offs, and unoriginal stories—however, this is far from a new thing, and sometimes can bring out amazing games. Here are five spin-off games that took on ...

Arguing over which console is better has been a habit of gamers since the start of console gaming itself. There are plenty of elements at play, from a machine’s power to its exclusive games. This generation was no exception, with ...

There were huge announcements this week, with Valve confirming the Steam Box and rumors about the XBOX 720’s specs starting to spread. It’s only a matter of time before solid news about Microsoft’s next console appears. Personally, I’ve spent the ...

Microsoft recently revealed their latest innovation to go alongside the Kinect—IllumiRoom. It extends the field of vision outside of the television and projects it onto the walls, furniture, and whatever else you have in your game room. Although there were ...