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For the past month, Nintendo has been relatively quiet. With the exception of their big Pokémon X & Y reveal, the company has churned out next to no titles or information about upcoming releases. Comparing Nintendo to the other two ...

Analyst Michael Pachter has struck again, claiming that ‘Nintendo’s a few years late’ with everything that they do. From consoles to concepts, Nintendo’s products are frequently outclassed by things from the past decade—something that rarely applies to Sony and Microsoft ...

There’s no questioning that the majority of high-profile games are made up of sequels, spin-offs, and unoriginal stories—however, this is far from a new thing, and sometimes can bring out amazing games. Here are five spin-off games that took on ...

There were huge announcements this week, with Valve confirming the Steam Box and rumors about the XBOX 720’s specs starting to spread. It’s only a matter of time before solid news about Microsoft’s next console appears. Personally, I’ve spent the ...

With no contest, having at least 100 new Pokémon is the most exciting thing about the new generation—but there are also plenty of other things to look forward to! Here are the five most exciting things about the upcoming Pokémon ...

With all the generation six fanfare happening on Pokémon news sites, it’s only natural that this week’s feature is a monster game. Megabits is a game that allows you to gather, locate, collect, and evolve fighting monsters that stay with ...

2012 is wrapping up pretty nicely, especially since none of those apocalypses ended up happening. As we exchange our calendars and turn over the page for a new year, here is a small wish list of five things I would ...

This week was full of plenty of rumors and some welcome news: Valve is reaching out to gamers to establish some kind of GameFAQs competitor, the Assassin’s Creed series may have another game in development already, and Bioshock will be ...

2012 had some of the longest games ever released, if you look past all the shorter iOS applications that became proliferous this year. Being a timesink isn’t necessarily a bad thing—in fact, just the opposite. Here are five games of ...

It was recently revealed in a Polish Magazine called CD-Action that the entirety of the Assassin’s Creed III game will be playable over 40 hours. This includes 20 hours of main plot and 20 hours of side quest, giving plenty ...

Any entry in the Pokémon series is always laced with hype, and for good reason. While some entries in the series have been more lackluster than others, Pokémon Black and White 2 did not fail to meet expectations. Gold and ...

Pitching a fusion of Darwinism and cock fighting and tied in with a catch phrase egging on 100% elitism, Pokémon has somehow managed to become one of the most popular game series of all time. Although intended for kids 10+, ...

It’s finally Fall! With places getting cooler in the northern hemisphere, those of you blessed with seasons probably have yards full of leaves by now (I can’t go check—I live in a desert). In any case, the holiday season is ...

While it’s true that Zynga definitely doesn’t come up with original games, I would like to provide a counterpoint to all of the negativity surrounding the company: it’s doing nothing new, it’s doing nothing illegal, and it won’t be found ...

With accusations of being a dying genre by some of the weirder journalists, the encroachment of western RPGs, and supposed ‘free passes’ in the critic world, jRPGs (and, specifically, turn-based RPGs) seem to be getting a lot of negative publicity. ...

Deozoa will be a monster-catching game released for iOS, Android, PC, Mac, Linux, and—most interestingly—the Ouya. Although it pitches itself as a game in the same genre as Pokémon, you only pair one creature per character, and the battles are ...