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The PlayStation Knowledge Center revealed that users still experience intermittent connectivity issues. This news comes after the PlayStation Network was down for days after a DDoS attacks by the hack group Lizard Squad. At this point, the PlayStation Network is in ...

In case you are unaware, the PlayStation Network has been down frequently and under repair this weekend.  This is a rough time for PSN to be down because it is the holiday season; and that means new consoles are being purchased. ...

According to C.Net, Samsung and Sony PlayStation are teaming up to bring the PlayStation Now streaming service to Samsung smart television sets. Digital and online gaming are certainly the wave of the future.  Sony is wise to offer a service such ...

During the 2014 PlayStation Experience, I got the chance to play the awesome little indie title, Broforce. Broforce is a classic, nostalgic side-scrolling, action-adventure platform game. So far, the game has been available to play for early access. The first ...

The first inaugural PlayStation Experience has been completed as of last Sunday. Sony held its first inaugural PlayStation Experience convention to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the first Sony PlayStation video game console. Many new games were previewed and on display for ...

Next month, Sony PlayStation will put on its two-day community event, the PlayStation Experience 2014, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event is open to the public and will feature some huge upcoming titles for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. ...

Sony debuted PlayStation Home in December 2008. So, at the time of its closure on March 2015, the community’s existence will be a little over six years. As a hardcore PlayStation fanatic and owner of all the PlayStation consoles, I ...

One of the big drawbacks for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 has seemed to be that neither console has any intentions of playing your last generation’s games right off of the disc like you’d wish. Sony has a plan ...

The Ouya is, in a way, the little engine that could of the gaming world. A lot of the support for the Android-based gaming system is based around the fact that gamers and people inside of the industry want to ...

There really is something to be said for being a loyal customer and supporting a company through years and years of products, including newer and more expensive ones every few years. That is the life of being a videogame enthusiast; ...

The past few years have been a bit rough for the videogame industry. It is still a growing industry, which makes it difficult to really fathom how it could be a rough few years, but we’ve seen feast or famine ...

Ambient Studios is a team packed full of talent, with developers from Little Big Planet, Fable, Crysis 3, Battlefield 2, SimCity, along with many other games. They formed the studio so that they could make their games the way they ...

EA is always ready to pick a fight with Nintendo after the company opted to use its own online service, rather than Origin, and has finally had the nerve to say that the Wii U is not a next-generation console. ...

While it might seem like common sense that you can’t sell something that doesn’t physically exist, the option of selling used digital content obtained through services such as Steam or IndieCity is heavily debated in places like Germany. After a ...

Minecraft is one of the most successful games of this generation, topping the XBLA and PC charts with its huge amount of sales. However, the game has much more to offer than just continuous updates and an infinite world. The ...

Playing like a space-age Oregon Trail, Spatial Flux aims to deliver a text-based adventure with high-quality backgrounds and pixel-based sprites for a retro feel in a modern game. The game will be released on Mac, Linux, PC, and several mobile ...