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Meet Roy “Big Country” Nelson. He might look like your ordinary out-of-shape man, but actually he is a very successful MMA fighter. Shocking, right? Martial art fighters are supposed to be buffed, with rock hard pecks and six-pack abs, not ...

Before each boxing or UFC match there has to be a weigh-in to endure that both fighters are in the proper weight category. After the weigh-ins, the two warriors stare down fiercely at each other in a fighting pose in order ...

In a recent tweet, Sid Shuman revealed that the launch lineup of PS All-stars has been entirely revealed. Given that the tweet is still located on Sid Shuman’s twitter home page, this does not appear to be a marketing mistake ...

Trying to name the best displays in pixel art is a difficult task—after all, the majority of games had pixel art for graphics up until 3D became a possibility. Along with that, there are several indie and app games that ...