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Today’s Nintendo Direct event showcased some cool new stuff happening in the world of Nintendo, stuff that hardcore Nintendo fans will rejoice about while everyone else is left scratching their collective heads and wondering why. The truth is, Nintendo is ...

With no contest, having at least 100 new Pokémon is the most exciting thing about the new generation—but there are also plenty of other things to look forward to! Here are the five most exciting things about the upcoming Pokémon ...

With all the generation six fanfare happening on Pokémon news sites, it’s only natural that this week’s feature is a monster game. Megabits is a game that allows you to gather, locate, collect, and evolve fighting monsters that stay with ...

So the Wii U has officially been unveiled, the paint is still drying and we have a release date and how much that sucker will cost. The question that I’ve been asking myself since the announcement of the upcoming Nintendo ...

I’ve touched on this before, in fact I reference it quite frequently. And I’m glad to see that a great deal of people feel the same way about it. The Tablet. There is just something fundamentally acceptable about the Tablet. ...

While many equate the beginning of autumn as the inevitable return to schooling, there are a select few that find themselves overwhelmed for completely different reasons. Whereas textbooks and notebooks account for the bulk of money spent for the more ...

With accusations of being a dying genre by some of the weirder journalists, the encroachment of western RPGs, and supposed ‘free passes’ in the critic world, jRPGs (and, specifically, turn-based RPGs) seem to be getting a lot of negative publicity. ...

The Kinect and Move have had lackluster reception. They weren’t complete losses, but their sales paled in comparison to the Wii’s success. They were both attempts made by Sony and Microsoft to expand their fan base—but, frankly, Nintendo beat them ...

I am probably with the majority when I say that the most recent onslaught of paid downloadable content has a negative impact on the games industry. From Mass Effect 3’s terrible marketing scheme to the horse armor offered for The ...

The Ouya didn’t become famous for its slick design or mediocre specs—it was the huge Kickstarter funding success that did it. It has exceeded its goal by several million dollars, making it one of the most successful Kickstarter campaigns to ...

Although this generation has seen the flourishing of Western game development, there are still plenty of gems being released in Japan, some of which never reached other regions. Here are my top five picks of the huge lot of unlocalized ...

Nintendo has spent the last few decades supplying us with excellent entries in their series, and their most profitable franchise, the Mario games, has been no exception. However, after several Mario games were revealed at E3, I have to wonder ...

Pokémon is one of the most popular game franchises in history, ranking in as the third best-selling video game series released (as long as we’re not counting mobile apps). With Pokémon Conquest recently released in Europe and America and Pokémon ...

Pokémon Conquest combines the Pokémon world with the Nobunaga’s Ambition series, turning the straightforward battles of Pokémon into a turn-based strategy game where power rarely matters. You play as either a boy or girl who starts off with an Eevee, ...

After yesterday’s article, we can talk about things that the next generation consoles actually need. This is a list of console and company policies that the big three developers ought to follow if they want to get this generation right ...

With the Wii U gaining steam after E3 and rumored XBOX 720 specs spreading around, next generation consoles keep getting closer and closer to a reality. In a two-part series, we’ll write about what the next generation consoles need to ...