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A little over a year ago, the Kickstarter craze began. You can trace the roots of the phenomenon to a joint project between 2-Player Productions and video game developer, Double Fine. The project went on to garner $3.3 million and ...

With all of the talk about violent videogames and if they possibly are harmful to children or cause certain people to be aggressive, I think that now is as good of a time as ever to maybe slow things down ...

There aren’t many games that are slated for 2013 that really have me all that excited, sadly. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be some really good games and that there won’t be some games that I love, because there ...

Kickstarter campaigns are all the rage lately. Some people absolutely love the idea, while others shun the concept altogether, claiming that it is wrong for game developers (and other professionals) to ask for our money to make their projects a reality. ...