• Great Remix Using Add Jungles From Famous Brands

    Having a catchy jingle accompanying your brand’s slogan is a very important par of good advertising. In many cases those few notes lasting no more than a few...

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    Having a catchy jingle accompanying your brand’s slogan is a very important par of good advertising. In many cases those few notes lasting no more than a few seconds are the most memorable and recognizable part of the brand’s promotional campaign. If you don’t believe it just think of the McDonald’s jingle and you’ll get the picture. Two creative French duo called...
    839 points
  • 15 Insanely Expensive Watches And Not A Rolex In Sight

    Watches used to be such a commodity that a well made watch was the most expensive gift one can receive. Today there are so many brands of watches that...

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    Watches used to be such a commodity that a well made watch was the most expensive gift one can receive. Today there are so many brands of watches that anyone can afford one. Still, they remain a sign of status and wealth. Just hearing the word Rolex makes you think of executive type person loaded with money. But compared to...
    845 points