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Temple Run 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to 2011’s highly addictive iOS/Android game Temple Run, developed and published by Imangi Studios. For anyone who has yet to play the original, I’ll break it down thusly: In true Indiana Jones ...

The Homestuck Adventure Game has been online for roughly 24 hours and it has already amassed $545,000. Yes, that is the right amount of zeroes. The goal is a lofty $700,000, and Hussie’s fans have already propelled it to nigh-completion. ...

Kickstarter campaigns are all the rage lately. Some people absolutely love the idea, while others shun the concept altogether, claiming that it is wrong for game developers (and other professionals) to ask for our money to make their projects a reality. ...

In recent years, the indie game market has grown exponentially, thanks to the ever-expanding digital marketplaces across the internet. Self-promotion has become easier than ever, and independent developers are now able to release their products in a much simpler way, and ...