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Irrational Games, as we know it, have dissolved into the ether and in their tragic wake fans everywhere will come to rely on Burial At Sea: Episode 2 to receive any form of closure to what has been an absorbing ...

‘Is it someone new?’ asks the preacher in BioShock Infinite, poetically harking back to the ghoulish splicer’s welcoming sentiment in 2007’s BioShock. Back in March 2013, this was just sheer fan service – an intelligent pat on the back for ...

Wrestling games are kind of like crack to me at times. Even if I’m not in one of those “on” periods where I actually watch wrestling, I still play wrestling games almost as if it were a religion. There has ...

A part of any artistic entertainment medium is the ability for that medium to force a mirror upon its audience and make them come to grips with the reality that surrounds them. Social commentary has been around for as long ...

‘Is it someone new?’ Four words. Four seemingly innocuous words that, to the average gamer, mean very little. Yet to hardcore fans of the BioShock series these will be the first things you attach yourself to as you are welcomed ...

So there is still a lot of hype and speculation swirling around in response to the WWE license moving from THQ and Yukes to Take-Two and 2k Games with still no word from 2k on the acquisition and no real ...

When it comes to wrestling games, it is difficult sometimes not to be alarmist or a bit heavy-handed when it comes to talking about them. Maybe that just comes with the territory as the genre at one time was chock-full ...