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Whilst speaking to, CEO of Crytek Cevat Yerli, has been quoted on saying that the rising price of components for the next iteration of the Xbox will make it “impossible” for the next generation of gaming consoles “to have ...

Mobile gaming. It has certainly become a prevalent aspect of the industry, one that was expected to die of within the next gaming generation. But over the past few years there has been an incredible rise in the amount of ...

You may remember some time back in September when I mentioned a Killer Instinct revival, that’s when I posted the news that Microsoft was attempting to renew the license to Killer Instinct, the massively popular fighter from the gaming days ...

Ah yes, Super Smash Bros, I’d almost forgotten about what is just about any Nintendo fan’s dream game.  From the characters that span multiple games and genres to stages that do the same, not to mention the incredible backlog of ...

The Halo franchise has finally flown from the nest and gone on to pastures that are fresh and new, but just what have Bungie been filling their time and what has decided to move in and occupy that now empty ...

Today I bring to you something I stumbled across during my usual adventures on Xbox Live. Something so awesome that at first, I didn’t realise what it was until it had happened a few times, and what’s more, I found ...

So, with Planetside 2 having just come out, what is it about this game that makes it seem so “meh”. I’m fairly impressed with the game’s ability to make you feel like you’re actually taking part in a big war. ...

Splinter Cell Conviction does Co-op properly. No need for an internet connection, you just get a pal to sit next to you and you’re ready. Couch co-op is one of the greatest creations in gaming. You can stick to your ...

Undoubtedly, you’ve heard of the new MMO being developed by >>ZENIMAX ONLINE STUDIOS<< (not Bethesda Studios), taking place in Tamriel 1000 years before Skyrim over the throne in Cyrodiil but other than that, not much is really known about the ...

So here I am again, with another interview for all you fine folks! This time round I got the chance to talk to an important name in the Xbox side of the industry. Ryan McCaffrey has been a person of ...

Hello again folks! If you remember, a couple months ago in late September, I was lucky enough to get the chance to talk with the amazing None Like Joshua. When last we spoke it was just a general conversation about ...

Assassin’s Creed III isn’t half bad, but then it’s not very good either. It’s mediocre really, as a stand-alone game it’s great fun an promises to have you busy for hours on end, but as part of the AC franchise it ...

If you’re like me, and you like to keep a track of how well your favourite game developers and publishers are doing, because it is there numbers and sales figures that ultimately dictate whether or not they can keep the ...

Video games are a unique medium. Generally, we like them for entertainment because they offer a special kind of immersion that can’t be emulated otherwise, the exception maybe being “choose your own adventure” books where the graphics are rendered in ...

A pool game. I haven’t had to play, let alone review a pool game in quite a long time, they stopped being made for a reason you know…no one likes them. First off, I will admit that coming into this ...

So what is this Of Orcs and Men I hear you ask? Is it really just a Steinbeck pun? Read on to find out! Orcs have for many years always been seen as the bad guys in fiction. Since Tolkien ...