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Street Fighter has seen its share of live-action misfires, namely two full-length features that are best forgotten. But this year, Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist proved that live-action Street Fighter could be done right. But rather than a movie, Assassin’s Fist ...

Video games have been adapted from just about every media there is. You have your licensed games based on movies (of varying quality), books, even music has had its own (now largely dead) genre of video games. But strangely enough, ...

Like video games, comics inhabit a bizarre point in the art continuum, relying on multiple factors (some of which are unique to their form) to communicate with their audience. It seems fitting then, that there are a good deal of ...

Marvel Studios’ Ant-Man has received a bit of publicity lately as the film’s director, Edgar Wright stepped down after working to bring the character to life for nearly ten years. The frantic search for a replacement has since come to ...

I was lucky enough to live twenty minutes from a Best Buy participating in this year’s Smash Fest event. Being the Smash Bros. fan that I am, I decided to go both days, and it was worth it, wait and ...

A staple of Nintendo’s recent systems, the Virtual Console allows users to purchase vintage titles from a myriad of past systems. Naturally, the Wii U has one of its own, currently featuring games for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo ...

Nintendo boasts one of the most robust rosters of intellectual properties and franchises in all of gaming. No doubt, this is helped by the company’s long history (the big N celebrates is 125th birthday this September, but entered the gaming ...

Mario Kart 8 has been out for almost a week. I’ve been playing it pretty extensively, but I still have yet to unlock all the characters and kart parts. I have however, completed all the cups. So I thought it ...

I recently re-played Metroid: Other M for Wii. The game is…divisive to say the least. I personally don’t hate it nearly as much as some do. The game has its flaws to be sure, but the core of the game ...