Industrial Diesel Generators: Advantages & Disadvantages!

2 min

For many years, diesel generators have been a staple within various industries. They have many functions, that’s why they are used in various industries. Though diesel is known as expensive fuel yet, people prefer to use it because of its efficiency and reliability. 

You’ll be surprised to know that a diesel generator only burns around 50% less fuel during its operation. That’s the main reason that a diesel generator can produce much higher power output and that too at a lower cost. They’re well-built, rugged, and sturdy, and they can take on almost all types of tasks and demands. 

Due to the numerous advantages of Diesel Generators, they are used in construction operations, data center backup power, disaster recovery, hospital backup for emergency and mining operations. 

Are you thinking of buying a new diesel generator? Many companies sell used diesel generator for sale or new ones at an affordable price, so check that out. In this blog, we’re going to tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of Diesel Generators. This will help you to make the right decision. Let’s start with the benefits first: 

Pros Of Diesel Generators

Here are seven benefits of diesel generators: 

  • Fuel Efficiency 

Fuel is the first thing to consider when buying a generator. Diesel might cost you a bit more than other fuels. However, as compared to gas generators, diesel generators burn less than half the amount of fuel. 

  • Continuous Power Supply 

It will be a disaster for your company if there is a sudden power breakdown and you don’t have any backup source. This won’t happen with diesel generators. They’re reliable and provide you with a continuous power supply for a long period.

  • Power Output

Diesel generators are made for handling larger power loads. As compared to other generators, diesel ones are capable of running for longer durations. So if you work on a remote site, a diesel generator will be best for your company.  

  • Low Maintenance

Diesel generators are well known to require less service and maintenance as compared to natural gas generators. The main reason behind this is that diesel generators do not have spark plugs for spark ignition. So you don’t have to worry about rebuilding carburetors or changing spark plugs. 

  • Durability 

There is no doubt that diesel generators are extremely tough and durable. They can work in every kind of environmental condition.

  • Enhanced Lifespan

Some diesel generators can last up to three times as long as compared to gas-powered generators. When you provide proper service and maintenance to your diesel generator, there are high chances that it’ll give service for many years. 

  • Safe Storage 

Fuels like gasoline are extremely explosive, and there are high chances that they would easily ignite if they get spilled. This won’t happen with diesel because they have a lower risk of ignition. Apart from this, diesel has a longer shelf life than gasoline.  

Cons Of Diesel Generators

With so many benefits, diesel generators are used in many industrial and commercial industries. However, like any other type of generator, it also has some drawbacks. Here are some of the key drawbacks: 

  • Costs 

The initial setup of a diesel generator usually costs more than the other generator types. However, the cost of running and maintenance is quite low. So it is still a more economical choice over the gas-powered ones.

  • Noise

Diesel generators can sometimes be noisy, so they’re usually placed away from the main working areas. 

  • Emissions 

Diesel generators produce various emissions and exhausts such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and particulate matter. All these get released into the atmosphere. 

Final Verdict

Overall if you see, diesel generators are suitable to use for industrial sectors as well as for commercial purposes. For many years people in industrial sectors rely on diesel generators. 

After all, they provide high fuel and power efficiency, durability, and long lifespan. They also require minimum service and maintenance. So, you can buy a diesel generator while keeping these factors in mind.  


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