UNICEF’s Social Experiment That Will Bring You To Tears

1 min

Imagine you saw a little girl standing alone in a crowded street, looking around helplessly.

Your first thought might be that she is lost and might aproach her to offer help.

But, what if that same little girls was dirty and in torn clothes, looking like she lived in the street. Would you approach her then?

This scenario was played out in a social experiment founded by UNICEF in Tbilisi, Georgia, where a 6 year old actress was sent to the streets first dressed in rich clothes and later in rags.

You’d think that a child is a child, needing protection no matter how they look. But, the cruel reality is that we are as shallow as we never dare to admit.

The experiment yielded disturbing and heart-wrenching results, and ended up being terminated when the 6-year old became too upset.

Watch the experiment that will open your eyes to the cruelty many homeless children are faced with. The tears might be what you need to make you see more clearly.

Would you have treated the little stray girl any differently?




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