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25 Historical Photos That Don’t Need Special Captions. This is When a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words!

When you see a picture like this you don’t need any special explanation because you already know what happened there.

This is what we call a “picture worth a thousand words”.

Each photograph you will see here represents a moment from our history. Everything you see tells a different story and we all knew what happened before or after this photo was taken.

Starting from famous people and historical landmarks going through basic routines of people living in the past and ending with the lesson we learned from this.

They tell the story better than any history books.

1. Titanic, 1912

1. Titanic, 1912

2. One of the First McDonald’s Restaurants

2. One of the First McDonald’s Restaurants

3. Disneyland Employee Cafeteria in 1961

3. Disneyland Employee Cafeteria in 1961

4. The Racial Segregation in the US South

4. The Racial Segregation in the US South

5. Circus Hippo Pulling a Cart, 1924

5. Circus Hippo Pulling a Cart, 1924

6. Unknown Soldier in Vietnam, 1965

6. Unknown Soldier in Vietnam, 1965

7. Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is returned to the Louvre after WWII

7. Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is returned to the Louvre after WWII

8. The Leaving of Last Prisoners from Alcatraz, 1963

8. The Leaving of Last Prisoners from Alcatraz, 1963

9. Cars in 1900

9. Cars in 1900

10. Execution by Cannon,  Late 19th Century

10. Execution by Cannon,  Late 19th Century

11. Testing of new bulletproof vests, 1923

11. Testing of new bulletproof vests, 1923

12. Main Street of Telluride, Colorado, 1880

12. Main Street of Telluride, Colorado, 1880

13. Adolf Hitler Meeting with Pope Pius XI

13. Adolf Hitler Meeting with Pope Pius XI

14. Elvis in the US Army, 1958

14. Elvis in the US Army, 1958

15.  Charlie Chaplin at age 27, 1916

15. Charlie Chaplin at age 27, 1916

16. Queen Elizabeth during Her WWII Service

16. Queen Elizabeth during Her WWII Service

17.  Che Guevara and Fidel Castro

17. Che Guevara and Fidel Castro

18. RARE PHOTOGRAPH- Madonna, Sting and Tupac

18. RARE PHOTOGRAPH- Madonna, Sting and Tupac

19. The Beatles at the Beginning of Their Career

19. The Beatles at the Beginning of Their Career

20. Leo Tolstoy tells a story to his grandchildren in 1909

20. Leo Tolstoy tells a story to his grandchildren in 1909

21. Fidel Castro Lays a Wreath at the Lincoln Memorial

21. Fidel Castro Lays a Wreath at the Lincoln Memorial

22. The Microsoft Staff in 1978

22. The Microsoft Staff in 1978

23. Osama bin Laden with His Family Visiting Falun in Sweden in 70′

23. Osama bin Laden with His Family Visiting Falun in Sweden in 70′

24. Unpacking the head of the Statue of Liberty, 1885

24. Unpacking the head of the Statue of Liberty, 1885

25. The last photo Ever Taken of the RMS Titanic Before it sunk in April 1912

25. The last photo Ever Taken of the RMS Titanic Before it sunk in April 1912

Hundreds of years have passed and this is still remembered!

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