The Best Red Versus Blue DVD Ever. Of All Time

2 min

Can you fit ten seasons of Red Versus Blue on one DVD?  That doesn’t seem physically possible.  But a few months ago Rooster Teeth held a poll on their community website to let fans vote for their favorite moments, episodes and characters.  That mysterious contest was revealed to be the method of selecting the two and a half hours of material for The Best Red Versus Blue DVD Ever.  Of All Time.

While much of the content is simply clips of existing material, there is a lot of new footage and dialog made just for this DVD.  It’s done as an Oscars sort of awards show, with the characters (Not the actual human cast) onstage presenting and accepting the awards.  The new material has some terrific moments too, and is done with the same quality as the show, including lines like Caboose sadly intoning “At first I was happy just to be nominated.  Now I’m happy just to be alive…”

Categories for awards include some of the traditional ones at real awards shows, like Best Song, Best Episode (One for each of the 9 seasons), and Best Visual Effect.  However, the cheeky bastards at Rooster Teeth also subvert the awards show premise with categories like Worst Visual Effects, Best Reject Character, and Best Caboose Moment.

Long-time fans will probably have seen all of these clips before, but it’s still very entertaining to watch the best moments presented at such a rapid-fire pace.  This is especially effective when each character’s best line or best moments are edited together quickly.  With ten years behind them, there are also lots of great moments that fans will have forgotten, too (We miss ya, Vic).

It’s more than just a string of clips.  The awards also include categories for Best Miniseries and Best Grifball Miniseries, so the DVD contains the entirety of the two winning miniseries, along with the nine full episodes that were chosen as best in each season.

Because the material was chosen by the fans, this unfortunately means that the occasional scene is repeated.  And while it’s cool seeing the various car chases from Seasons 8 and 9, many viewers are likely to skip over these the second time around, along with the other scenes that are shown multiple times on the DVD.

As with all of Rooster Teeth’s DVD’s, there are menu animations with Easter Eggs for patient viewers who let the menus play for a minute.  Other bonuses include trailers for Rooster Teeth series beside RVB.

This DVD doesn’t quite live up to the boast of “the Best RVB DVD of all time” (Season 9 holds that honor), but at a mere five dollars and 149 minutes, with a fair amount of new material, it is a very good deal, especially for fans who don’t want to spring for any of complete season/series sets put out by Rooster Teeth.  It arrives on DVD on October 1st.

Those who want more from their RVB DVDs can grab the fancypants RVBX complete series boxed set that comes out in November.  Check back with Explosion for our thoughts on RVBX when it releases.


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